There’s something really wrong with his brain

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One especially amazing thing about right-wing obsession with Russia is that Russia is a complete shit hole.

This guy is simping for a country that has a male life expectancy on par with Gabon, a corruption perception rating tied with Papua New Guinea, and a GDP lower than Brazil.

I’m amazed he can say anything with the Dear Leader’s nutsack bouncing off his chin.

We could try feeding Elon to the meat grinder?

Trump is paying off his debt to Putin by giving him everything he wants in the peace negotiations.

It’s almost like he’s a sociopath or something.

Elon hasn’t talked to anyone

The war ends when Russia gets the fuck out of Ukraine

Maybe he should try telling Putin that instead of being a whining pussy

What do you mean “they have no plan for success”? We aren’t tacticians with access to every piece of intelligence provided by the us military, of course we don’t have a plan, we just don’t like bullies or war criminals

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I think Leon wants to make some money off Russia. Because he can’t feed his 13 kids on $300 billion.

It’s not just pathetic, it’s evidence. These people are Russian assets, anyone who can’t see that now is a fool!

They are a bunch of pussies.
Afraid of the nukes.
That is all there is to it.
They are legitimizing Putin’s saber rattling.

Hard to say something bad about Putin when you have his dick in your mouth.

I think he might want to visit a professional for the ketamine.

Well if there’s one thing bleeding heart liberals are known for, it’s their callous indifference to people being sent to meat grinders

That’s totally false!

He said Russia “went to far” by invading a sovereign country unprovoked in 2022 and slaughtering their civilians.

He just happened to follow that up with accusing Ukraine of going too far now by…checks notes…defending themselves from foreign invaders.

So, how can anyone possibly say that he hasn’t criticized Putin???

Elon wouldn’t recognize empathy if it walked up and kicked him in the dick.

The closest interaction this fucker has with bleeding heart liberals is the arguments he starts on Twitter threads.

Elon would’ve told Britain to surrender

That’s right, daddy likes it when you spread it real wide. Just dont forget to say thank you and please come again

he’s on a lot of drugs but also he is just being an asshole because he likes making people hurt

They see it as incumbent on Ukraine to capitulate because their default setting is “might is right”


Comrade Krasnov is reporting for duty

I keep seeing these things talking about how musk and trump are the crazy “pals” of Putin… and it’s so frustrating. They have been compromised. They are Russian assets. They are puppets reading kremlin propaganda.

That isn’t a murder or a plan for success. Its like saying “the plan for winning this fight is you stop beating me up”

Wild that he thinks he has even a singular granule of “real empathy” in his body.

It’s not that i disagree, it’s just that this isn’t at all a murder and just a guy saying “actually no it wasn’t like that”

I just can’t anymore, I’ll say something that gets me lifted

The motherfucker has never even picked up a uniform in his life

You want a plan? No fly zone over eastern Ukraine. Anything that enters the air space destroyed. Russia is warned that in 96 hours upon air supremacy that any further movement east will be targeted upon. The only way a Russian unit will move is west. The stolen children, pows will be returned with in two weeks. If they have not retreated from 1991 Ukraine borders it will be as if the Golden Horde had risen from the dead. Every military unit, material, and base will be targeted by the most extensive air campaign that will be make desert storms shock and awe look like a backyard Fourth of July display.

I am from the UK and this make a deal for peace hits at a fundamental level, during WW2, before Operation Barbarossa the UK was under enormous pressure to make a deal with Hitler. The message was similar, thousands of people are dying you are alone and couldn’t possibly hope to win, so make peace with Germany, what is the worst that could happen.

I would dearly love if what has happened to Ukraine were reciprocated upon Felon and his closest family. I’ll come around after and ask him why he keeps feeding meat into the meetgrinder.
Fucking imbecile fuckwit cuntfuck assraped lunatic deranged piece of shit drug addict moron cocksnot.

Musk needs to advocate for every red-blooded American conservative patriot to volunteer to fight for Russia. They can go fight and die to take another democratic country’s rights and freedoms away, like they did here.

Blaming the victim – it’s what the right wing does.

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