There’s still time to change the name, Nintendo.

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Switch U

I think they did it right with the 2. It’s clear that it is a new console and not a new oled version or smth.

Nintendo sWiitch

Playstation does it and its fine, but Nintendo does it and suddenly its not?

While I agree the name is bland, the Wii U did so poorly because a bunch of people thought it was an addon to the Wii and not a new system.

This is a safe name to make it clear that it is a different system.

Bruh that’s gonna Wii-U naming confusion all over again

How to destroy your product? Confuse your customers.

Xbox one, Xbox360, Xbox S, Xbox S Xbox series S and Xbox series X.

As a parent, what the fuck am I supposed to buy?

Switch Advance SP

This is going to age well…


Super Nintendo entertainment switch!

the nintendo entertainment system 2

I think if they called it anything other than the Nintendo Switch 2 it would become just as much of a failure as the WiiU was. Itโ€™d probably get more sales than the WiiU, but proportionally would never live up to anything near the switch 1. Nintendo making weird names for sequel consoles has a history of confusing customers and losing them sales they woulda had otherwise. There is a reason Playstion just goes up a number, it reliably draws sales and ensures everyone understands itโ€™s a new product

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