These aren’t human

By 8O8I
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Beyond psychopathy. This is a serial killer that was caught before she worked her way up to actual killing.

How in the world could you deliberately hurt an infant?

>These aren’t human

They are and trying to pretend otherwise is fooling ourselves. We need to recognise the fact that these heinous acts are performed by people you might sit next to on the bus, exchange pleasantries with at the deli counter, or even swipe right on Tinder.

They are human.

How many who haven’t been caught?

I read the original article it’s truly messed up someone would see an infant and unload that much hate.

I hope those parents and wider community are getting the support they need, can you imagine the psychic scar of knowing that your child might be deliberately harmed by those we pay to take care of the most vulnerable.

I swear some bastard is going to try to weaponise this and we really need to stamp it out.

I hope her media diet is leaked, and then be disappointed when it gets dismissed by those who make the content.

Absolute psychopath. Put her in prison and don’t let her out.

And yet a woman who says “And your next” over the phone to an insurance company gets a terrorism charge and a 100k bond

Harming children AND racist? She is going to experience many broken bones in prison.

WTAF. Those poor little people are struggling for their lives.

I worked NICU straight out of nursing school. It was too much for me. I went to L and D after my own baby was born.

I cannot imagine this. Just cannot.

She’s human. Humans can and will do indescribably evil things to each other. Better to acknowledge that fact than pretend otherwise

It’s monsters like this that make me question the universality of redemption.

Of the 4 cases being investigated, 1 child alone had suffered 12 fractures.
The story of the couple who had to watch their child suffer inside the NICU and then be injured by this monster had already been through 2 previous miscarriages.

[News Article from The Independent News](

Kill it with fire

Can’t imagine seeing an infant and wanting to hurt it. This person must be deeply disturbed

It is difficult to comprehend. I’m an older white guy living in the south and have been around rural isolated people who were very racist but I don’t believe even those people,who aren’t all just ignorant but often mean, could intentionally hurt a child and go on about their day. Execute her.

This was at a well known hospital in my area. I’m an RN at a different hospital and we’ve all been talking about this non-stop.

Bruh, what the hell, I really want to break her legs seriously. People like that should be locked up for life

Jesus Christ. Looking at the face of pure evil right there.

Ladies and gentlemen, behold: the master race

Can we please get president Musk and 2nd lady Trump’s input on this, because it seems every issue requires some input from them. Let’s hear their defense of this poor girl.

ffs, delete twitter


Unfortunately for us this is the face of the MAGA empire under Trump and the oligarchs.

Holy shit that is so psychotic to do, and even more insane to do to a NICU BABY! Under the jail.

they are human, thats the issue. if it was something inhuman doing this to babies you could just kill it.

this is a living breathing woman. it is far worse that she is human.

Eye for an eye


What an ugly, ugly person.

i hate the stupid fucking face they always make, like theyve never experienced a consequence in their lives. get absolutely fucked. its always the same stupid fucking im about to cry look like a god damn baby getting into trouble. be a fucking adult. god damn nothing infuriates me more

I haven’t seen any primary sources confirming the babies were all black.

The woman is a monster, regardless, but it seems like someone is trying to push a particular narrative.

The facts that I’ve seen reported are that she’s been charged in *one* case. And is obviously the lead suspect in other cases at the same hospital.

She was put on leave in 2023 after the hospital determined she was responsible for the one case. Incredibly, *they allowed her back on staff* and then more babies were hurt.

These were infants in the NICU (neonatal intensive care unit). Seven infants were hurt by this monster. How does a hospital let this happen.

She should be sterilised – that blood line should be killed off

Demon seed. Hope they put her *under* the jail.

Sick bitch.

Under the jail.

Noah get the boat cuz wtf

Sounds to me like someone needs all her bones broken…

Something tells me she’s about to get her laundry folded, while still wearing it. Regularly

That’s one of the results of Maga. They continue to spread hate, and fear

Race aside, it takes a sick individual to hurt an infant. There is something seriously wrong with her on both accounts.

Well, at least she’s not an immigrant.

How did she hurt so many without being caught sooner?

May those babies heal and their families receive justice. Imagine being so racist you cripple babies, I can’t even wrap my head around it


Look at her face she seems miserable

Chop her head off… For real

This makes me want to believe in hell.

Instant firing squad.

I do not believe in the death penalty. But I’m ok with her being tortured. Some people deserve it. A little baby has not hurt anyone.

Not just infants, infants in the NICU. This bitch needs to be stoned.

I wish I didn’t read that

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