These dead, long forgotten single-player franchises need to comeback. They don’t deserve to be abandoned

By Crylose
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I miss the Prototype franchise…

Infamous and Infamous 2 were my childhood, so original and even more fun

The first Darkness was FANTASTIC!!

Manhunt in modern engines would be something to behold. The drama alone would be worth it.

I still remember seeing the E3 reveal gameplay for prototype 2 and being absolutely blown away. Its graphical improvements at that time were so realistic looking to me

Infamous and Prototype have to be my favorite video games from the ps3 that actually scared me due to the atmosphere of the world but they are a hidden gem nonetheless

If Manhunt came back today it would be the scapegoat for every atrocity that comes around.

Out of all these really impressed they just let infamous die I remember all of them being really cool

The darkness 3 needs to happen or at least a reboot.

There is no fucking way you could bring Manhunt back today.

I don’t know about you, but I believe it’s fine to just let a series rest

The Suffering

First Manhunt was such a masterpiece. The story, dubbing, progression. And it happens overnight. I love games like that. I bet Brian Cox had too much fun.

Haven’t played 3 of them, but Infamous was my jam, my jelly, my peanut butter and my peanuts.

Upvoting for The Darkness. The most underrated game ever. I always ask people about this and they either have no clue about it or think I’m on about the band. It has the most devastating ending ever and the world you play in is amazing. You can watch To Kill a Mockingbird in its entirety and even watch full music videos on the TVs dotted throughout the map. It’s how I discovered The Duskfall. GREAT melodeath band 🤘🤘

Manhunt 2 went through a downgrade before release and yet its story and atmosphere are so underrated. The series as a whole deserves a comeback, at the very least a re-release with better PC ports.

Counterproposal: more original content should be made instead of endlessly continuing pre-existing franchises.

3 out of 4 of these games are nowhere near “long forgotten”

Free ideas for new studios starting up to base their games off of. Doesnt even have to be that original, use the same mechanics, make new maps and a modern story. Too risky for Corporate gaming though.

I would love to see another infamous the first two games were awesome! The third game didn’t scratch the same itch, but I still remember just parkouring around hurling lightning at people. The good old days where you could have dumb fun in games…

So you want the Halo treatment?

Just let good series end and make something new.


Prototype was so sick! And we still need that darkness pc port 😩

Not having endless sequels is being ‘abandoned’ ? 🤦‍♂️

I would love a new infamous.

Pffffft manhunt will never.

I loved the Prototype games, but so many superhero type games have come out since that feel very much like it (Spiderman comes to mind). It would have to be done in a way that makes it stand out on its own again.

Or they can make more great games like these instead. Tired of seeing the same games being made and remade over and over.

Nah, leave them there. Don’t let modern studios touch these.

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