These men are not special forces; they are members of the CJNG, one of Mexico’s most powerful and dangerous cartels.

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They always run when the Mexican Marines show up lol

Majority of their gear is paintball gear.

Some cartels hire former military personnel from South America but they never make it that long.

Just because you are wearing cool clothes doesn’t mean you are trained properly.

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I realise that the dark colours are probably for camouflage, but in brighter colours this would look like skiing gear. Especially the helmet and goggles. Just sayin’

It’s just an outfit lol, plenty of hillbillies in the USA dressed like that on weekends too 🤷🏽‍♂️

I wonder who sold them those weapons and equipment…

Wouldn’t stand a chance against the top cartel destroyer
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Throw a Burton jacket on him and give him a snowboard and bro has serious steez 

Needs to remove that 5.11 sticker, super cringy.

How are under equipped, underfunded police supposed to fight against these guys, i heard they have armored vehicle and actually get special forces trainings too

Even with gear like that he’s still climbing into a shitty pickup technical that’s nowhere near military grade.

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They’re just COD skins

Didn’t even look like special forces to begin with 😂

That looks like paintball or airsoft gear

Surely doesnt look like special forces. Looks like a dork who played cod once and went on a shopping spree at the local army surplus store to play dress up.

And apparently they are now linking up with the chapitos!

“Tacticool” gear and Airsoft mask. Not really dangerous nor powerful…

To·may·to – to·mah·to

they evolved hard from guys in wifebeater and sandals

Cheap shitty polyester clothing, probably lights up like a christmas tree under night vision, will stick to this dude like napalm in the event of a fire.

He’s lacking a proper plate carrier.

That’s a fucking paintball mask. The helmet also doesn’t look like anything more than a bump cap with a shitty mount for night vision.

They could very possibly be ex-special forces.

Cartels recruit elite soldiers from the mexican and central american armies. Some say even deltas and green berets.

How much general people affected by them on day to day life?

Chinese Airsoft Gear

Lol. This can only work on Reddit plebs who have seen military/special forces gear at most in a Cal od Duty. The reality is they look like clowns. Kids who roleplay put together more convincing gear.

It’s Black Noir!

If you do a reverse image search for this you don’t find any context. You just find the exact same statement posted on different platforms. These men aren’t special forces, they’re members of CJNG, one of Mexico’s most powerful cartels, etc. I don’t know who is doing that or why but it’s weird. I don’t like it.

bro dressed like 5yo me playing ghost recon

why are they wearing tinted sunglasses at night?

They might look super advanced but most of this stuff is stuff you can own as well. Weird radio placement on the leg though

So if you guys just look closely, anyone who’s either been in combat, trained in any kind of CQB, or played any video games, you’ll realize that the amount of gear that they have is pretty absurd and unrealistic. It not only would restrict movement but it would slow you down and create a lot of noise if doing a stealth raid.

I’ve never been in the military but even I know that’s too much gear for any type of mission. And then there’s the sticker on their goggles. You shouldn’t have anything that would obstruct your vision.

And look at their radios. WTF is that?!! And why does every guy need one? Usually, on a team, you have one guy who is responsible for establishing communications. Maybe it’s urban warfare and everybody needs a radio, but I’ve never known anyone to wear something with so many damn antennas.

I am almost positive this is all just for show. Like fear-mongering. Who knows 🤷‍♂️

They work for Raul Menendez

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