These movies are 18 years apart.

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The prequels rely way too much on green screen, but at least George and friends did enough pre production to know what they actually wanted things to look like. The main reason why the modern MCU looks so bad is because they often refuse to commit to what things will look like until the last second, so the VFX artists have to scramble to cobble something together. The Dune filmmakers decide on what they want the VFX to look like early in production, which is why the movies look so much better with a much lower budget

The joke here is the fact that the prequels got so much shit for their CGI back then.

So are these…
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bringing up SW Prequels as an example of “good CGI” is an objectively hilarious thing to do, why not be normal and go for the boring but at least factually accurate Pirates of the Carribbean example everyone does, it’s not like you’re not beating on a dead horse anyway

IDK why people are complaining so much about MODOK. He looks just like almost every other MCU villain to me.

It may be visually appealing, but it still looks like Obi-Wan is green screened into a video game.

To be fair, Modo was always going to look fucking ridiculous.

How are they supposed to depict a super goofy floating head?

I don’t get the hate with modok he’s supposed to look stupid as fuck he’s a big blown up face idc we should be complaining about a lot of the other parts of the movie that actually made it bad


Modok looks like shit in the movie because he looks like shit in the comics.

What movie is the second screenshot from?

TBF, and something always glossed over, the amount of work artists have in their plate is 10x more than it used to be. The amount of time they have to complete that work has also diminished. The MCU and Disney itself absolutely inundated the pipeline for VFX work and how long it should take. For example, the entire final sequence of BP fighting Kilmonger was only given 3 weeks in total to complete. Not just a shot, the entire sequence. Then you have fickle bitches like the Russos and Waititi who abused their ability to update VFX whenever they pleased. When I was on Thor: The Dark World, we were updating shots literally a day before release.

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Corners were absolutely cut in this scene. Grievous’ lightsabers switch between green and blue in different frames.

Hilts are also recycled. This shot shows the same exact lightsaber as obi-wans but green


Reject CGI. Embrace practical!

That CGI isn’t bad, it’s just a goofy concept that looks bad when executed.

second pic looks like the villain from sharkboy and lavagirl
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Wtf is the MCU even about anymore

They look 18 parsecs apart.

And they both look like shit

How else is MODOK supposed to look???


A lot of effects heavy films nowadays don’t feel like putting in the effort for realistic lighting on the CGI models so they just decrease the contrast and add this mushy haze over everything and it looks like shit. Even though on a technical level the effects were less advanced back in the early 2010’s and before, most of the time they did better incorporating them into the surrounding shots imo. It’s the contrast in the light that really sells effects 

Time =/= better cgi

Well managed budgets and timeframes for a workforce = better cgi

And for the record, they both look mid

Time does not equal quality.

MODOK was hilarious and a great addition to the film and I will die on that hill.

Has anyone done a photoshop version of the MODOK looking good though?

Literally watching revenge of the sith as I’m scrolling and I see this lmao

Looking like a pimped out nutsack

I don’t really see the issue here? MODOK is a silly character. They could have made him look more comic accurate, but he’d still look stupid as fuck. That’s just how he is. If anything, the issue was trying to adapt him to live action at all, not the execution.

This is a hilarious example because about 70% of Episode 3 looks like a wax museum in a video game.

The Bottom one isn’t bad though it is just uncanny, it could be fixed by redesigning the character to not have him look human, but that is really the only issue with it, the CGI itself is flawless.

I think Dead Man’s Chest is an even more stark difference. Sure, you lose 1 year, but Davy Jones is the pinnacle of 2000s CGI (imo)

Why did they do MODOK so dirty?

They really can’t do better than 94 or so.

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Sharkboy and Lavagirl is from 2005

Tbf, that is a comic accurate depiction of Modok. He has always been a goofy looking character.

The one on the bottom is a better movie.

Ant man: Quant man was so frustrating to watch

You think Darren should’ve been trained in the Jedi arts by Count Dooku?

One is a major villain that’s supposed to be intimidating and the other is comedy relief.

One is a masterpiece.

The other is Star Wars.


Yeah, but the prequels still suck dick

Stop farming this

SJP looked more realistic with her head on a dog in Mars Attacks. And that movie had intentionally bad cgi.

It’s Murdock, what else will he look like?

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