These signs have holes in them to prevent wind from pulling them down

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I don’t want to live in a place that needs holes in street signs cause it gets that windy

That’s why I shoot signs. I consider it my civic duty.

Speed holes

If I were a gambling man I’d bet the wind isn’t strong enough to rip the sign out or bend the metal. Instead I think it’s more likely that the wind causes an effect known as vortex shedding, wherein the wind going across the sign causes the sign to wiggle back and forth rapidly, which could possibly loosen the screws and disassemble the sign. This seems like an effort to disrupt the formation of these vortices and reduce the chance of the sign wiggling itself to death. 

An example of vortex shedding you are likely more familiar with is when you’re in your car traveling down the highway and you crack open the window and you are met with a really unpleasant wobbling throbbing noise as air rushes in and out of your car. 

Is this north haven CT? Lol

The misaligned holes on the bottom sign really bug me…


We don’t have holes in our signs in Florida, and we have hurricanes. What’s the deal here? It seems unnecessary.

I though the holes were for flashing lights that they never installed.

Is that why Americans shoot their signs?! They’re actually making the streets safer.

Weirdly I know exactly where this is because that was my Target 🙂 Could never figure out why they had signs like that; the other shopping centers nearby don’t have them.

I’ve seen them kinda like this out in the country. Holes looked a little different though.

Here I thought they were just near an American public high school…

I would think the wind mostly pushes.

They sing the songs of my people

They could have aligned one of the holes with that guy’s head.

Important question: do they whistle when it’s windy?


Why is the sign almost in the middle of the sidewalk? Crazy placement.

Lmao is it terrible I wondered if this was Philly before I read the title?

Those are speed holes. They make the cars stop faster.

Swiss stop sign…

Speed holes

Where I live we have holes in the signs too. But they are from gunshots.

I think they’re much more likely supposed to have blinking lights that weren’t attached. Anyone wanting to put holes in a sign to prevent wind would take the obvious advantage of the O and P having holes already in the center of the sign.
Source: I live in a city that has signs like this with blinking lights in these holes.

I thought these were signs at a school.

Using something stronger than that flimsy stick of a post was not an option?

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