These water stains on my car look like gorillas

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Harambe has risen!!!

Actually kind of incredible. Looks like a gorilla sketch study

Lol, pretty good

I saw Elephants then gorrilla, like a chain. Elephant. Gorrilla, elephamt, gorilla, mammoth


Those aren’t intentional????!

Seriously one of the best things ive ever seen on this sub

Good eye mate. I lol’d! Hilarious!

I can see it

Ape not kill Ape.

*Shooby doop dobby doop dobby dah dah doo dap*

Gorillas from the mist

Where’s Tarzan

gorillas from the- damn it, someone beat me to it

Now it’ll make more sense when you see some random guy taking their pants off near your car

Harambee is your guardian angel.

Ooh ooh ah ah etc etc

Ancient sketches of gorilla

Ape Together Strong

penguins crowding in little clusters.

I see gorillas and a great white shark

I see giraffes 🦒


That’s a whole troop!!!!! Beautiful

Harambe is with us 🙏 🕍 🕌 ⛪️ 🛕 🙏


That’s pretty crazy. I couldn’t draw gorillas as well as your window made them. I suck.

Phil Collins intensifies

This is easily some of the best r/accidentalart I’ve ever seen.

Your gorillas look like water stains

What if gorillas are designed to look like your water stains? And if you wash your car all of the gorillas go extinct?


🎶Feel good
Sha, sha-ba-da, sha-ba-da-ca, feel good
Sha, sha-ba-da, sha-ba-da-ca, feel good🎶

Residue left from old sticker?

Someone loves thc

Evolution, of the stain!

Anyone else start hearing “Clint Eastwood” by the Gorillaz or just me?

Finally, someone let me outta my cage

I was expecting a gorilla-sized reach but no you gots goddamn apes on your car. 

Act of God some would say

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