They also invented algebra and universities

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Sorry to burst the bubble.
comment image?width=1283&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1eef03d9cd983e49a117e0aa9a0836bf1a1a571b

Surgery, Optics, Algebra, Kerosine, Sugar Mills, a lot of math other than numbers, Magnifying Glasses, Coffee…

What is she talking about?

That’s not her twitter account lol. I think Trump is a serious problem, but even I can recognise propaganda when it’s done this badly 💀😂

The number system we use today has their origin in India. They are called a Hindu–Arabic numeral system today.    They was modified and transferred to Europe trough Muslim Arabic nations.

There was lots of other math developed in the islamic world.

It’s hard to Google apparently. [Wikipedia list of muslim inventions](

Here are some random ones I picked:

>Algebra discipline: Al-Khwarizmi is considered the father of the algebra discipline. The word Algebra comes from the Arabic الجبر (al-jabr) in the title

>Mental institute: In 872, Ahmad ibn Tulun built a hospital in Cairo that provided care to the insane, which included music therapy.[33]

>Drug trial: Persian physician Avicenna, in The Canon of Medicine (1025), first described use of clinical trials for determining the efficacy of medical drugs and substances.[75]

>Magnifying glass and convex lens: A convex lens used for forming a magnified image was described in the Book of Optics by Ibn al-Haytham in 1021.[79]

Do you guys think that guy knows arabic numbers are actually Indian numbers?

Numbers predate islam by long time. What the Muslims did was preserve it and the Greek teachings rather than burn it down and murder teachers like the Christians did

Number systems existed at least 4,000 years before the Muslim prophet was born. That’s not to say Muslims haven’t made important contributions to how we do mathematics today, but I think crediting them with numbers is too much.

As for universities… Maybe. How are we defining them? Because there certainly were schools long before the Muslim prophet.

get me up to speed, she’s invented exactly what, produced what? What exactly are her qualifications to question anyone’s worth? Her hubby is such a failure he had to sell out the country to the Saudis. How do you measure Kushner’s failure? 2 billion…….that’s a mountain of not inventing

You guys want to shit on right wingers so bad that you do it even if it means being stupidly wrong lol.

India is the one you have to thank for Arabic numbers.

Also, how dumb do you have to be to actually believe this is her her personal account?

Maybe she’s genuinely asking since she posted a photo of herself looking…nothings going on upstairs.

Is she being mean or is she trying to learn something

It was invented by the Indians… Just passed from the arabs

It’s true that the Muslim world has gifted us a lot of knowledge in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, but I have to be a bit pedantic here. The number system was invented in India and adopted by Arabic mathematicians.
comment image?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07be48b43ef323c8e3b9c7a65670f92058d3d1ea

In Istanbul, there is a Museum of Science and Technology in Islam. It has exhibits on advances in Astronomy, medicine, navigation and numerous other subject. I loved it, although the tome in some places is definitely “why don’t we ever get credit for this” and veers on occasions into the anti-Semitic.

Did she actually say that or is this a bullshit fake account?

Worth saying that this a parody account, not her official one.

Medicine! A whole chunk of medicine!

Why would someone’s religion affect their ability to invent something? Does she mean Arab? What does she mean?

This is so racist. I mean I know it’s obvious, but I still needed to say it.

Just Google “Islamic Golden Age”🤷🏾‍♂️

The list of things doesn’t matter. What matters is that you asked this question. You fucking racist.

That Stan account is also delving into anti Al-Khwarizmi conspiracies.

no one tell this guy about Roman numbers.

But what have they done lately? Also, the Indians invented numbers.

It’s dumbasses all the way down. Imagine thinking that numbers didn’t exist until around 900 AD when Arabs “invented” them. We simply use the symbols Arabs used for numbers, which were based on earlier symbols for numbers from other languages/scripts. Numbers were around long before all of the ways to write them were invented.

Arabic numbers are from India though

It wasn’t invented by muslims, but Indians 1000 yrs before Muslims even existed.

The muslims just translated the stuff to their language during invasion on India and they were not even intelligent enough to understand -ve numbers and had no idea of universities.

The name of the person who did all translated work is Al-Khwarizmi. Which later was accepted by europe as discoveries of muslim.

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