They are gonna lock them in basement now

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“I can’t believe he’s so lazy”

im like 99% sure all the questions and answers on quora are fake

Quora moms when their kid breathes too loud: unacceptable

“HE’S BEING GROOMED TO JOIN A GANG!!1! It happened to my niece’s friend’s cousin’s sister-in-law’s son’s best friend!”

Nice edit

And then she proceeds to scroll facebook and play subway surfers

Quora is just reddit but with an IQ of 50% lower. 50% of 0 is still 0.

Ngl some Quora mom questions makes me doubt my eyes.

You guys do homework? I’m not even gonna talk about the “15 hours” thing


Quora is like yahoo answers’ long lost sibling

โ€œWhat do i do with himโ€

Female Homelander is just Jennifer Lawrence

Mom’s always watching.

This is a thing now?

Memes made by children suck.

I feel like Quora is just Reddit for Facebook people lol

Quora moms are basically the real-life version of that one friend who always has a dramatic story about their kid’s latest “crisis.” It’s like they think parenting is a competition for the most outrageous anecdote.

15h of homework my ass

Two years ago I got a email for a recommended Quora post on my school email:

โ€œMy son got a C on his assignment so I took everything out of his room and only left him his mattress, did I go too far?โ€

Bait used to be believable smh..

Are those quora questions even real?

Oh my god so truuuuuuh

Who tf uses quora?

Quora is just Reddit but with older ppl

Johnny is such a busy beaver, he spent 15 hours with his homework folder last weekend.

Lol, she really said ‘no joy allowed!’ Moms always make the most random things dramatic ๐Ÿ˜‚

The judgement is next level

Agatha all along?

Didn’t know quora was still a thing.

Omg my mom does this ๐Ÿ˜‚

She just got off a 15 hour tour of the battlegrounds of candy crush.

I salute her for her husbands rank.

That’s because the majority of people on quora are Indian

Wait until you find mumsnet.

Are you supposed to let him out of the basement ๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™€๏ธ


I wonder how they create long rants about that

Why does this look like janeway from voyager?

Is that Crystal Ball from that horseshoe news podcast?

Boy You are always on your phone…

Anything bad that happens, its cause of that phone. You can have stomach pains and theyll say its cause of the phone


It’s kind of weird how well Homelander transitions to a girl here. I’m not sure I can unsee it after this.

I put duck tape on his hands and mouth. Am I in the wrong here?

When I was in college a friend shared how unfair her parents were. She swore as a teenager that she would remember and wouldn’t be the same way. But she was an older woman (almost 21) and shared with me that she realized that her parents had been mostly right and she had been mostly wrong. Her main concern was that she remembered how seriously she made that promise and felt like she broke it. Maybe she’s Quora mom now.

It happened to all of your parents and it will happen to you!

Her friendโ€™s son will always be better ๐Ÿ™

Quora moms really have a sixth sense for detecting when relaxation turns into rebellion

And yet she proceeds to spend 3 hours on Facebook everyday.

That looks like Kathryn Hahn

Why he kinda…

Narcissists when they read /raisedbynarcissists (they don’t believe it’s about them)

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