They do Infact use SQL

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Why the hell *wouldn’t* they use SQL?

I dont know if Ive ever witnessed someone that is so often confidently incorrect. Im starting to think he has a humiliation kink.

This guy is literally that kid whose parents bought him expensive things but he doesn’t know how to use them, so he just shows them off and eventually breaks them.

Next he’s gonna tell us his dad works for Nintendo

This man is one of the most powerful in the world now

They *are* talking about the computer language, right? The super simple one that’s used to query databases and manage databases? Why tf wouldn’t they??

What database structure is being used then?

There aren’t a ton that aren’t relational dbs and sql derivative that I can see being practical at such scale. I know this shit pretty well and am struggling to think.

Anyone know? Think old dB structures. Mumps comes to mind, but I doubt it’s using that.

Elon Musk is the last person I’m listening to when it comes to anything related to programming, code, servers, networking or anything covered in a basic Comptia cert.

This fucking idiot couldn’t figure out how a thermal printer could work if shown a damn picture book.

It’s pretty fucking bizarre that we have a billionaire shadow president illegally destroying our federal government and calling people retards on the social media platform he owns when those people accurately criticize him.

I’m not sure how to process all of this.

Government computers squeal.

is mysql! its different you guys! (narrator: it was, in fact, not much different at all)

Jesus Satan Christ, we have someone *in the White House* who is still comfortable using the slur “retard” as an insult in 2025.

Jesus. Fuckmyass. Christ.

Is Elon stupidly trying to insinuate that there’s something out there better than the SQL formula?

He’s going to switch over to an endless sea of unconnected spreadsheets.

if elon starts to get fack-checked on twitter more, he might disable the entire feature in a tantrum

His confidence totally doesn’t make him look like a tool when he is obviously wrong. /s

Can we take a step back, a grown man is calling people he disagrees with “Retard” like he’s 10. This man is going to break all belief Americans seem to have that the wealthy are inherently deserving.

why the fuck is a politician getting away with calling someone a retard on social media?

Does Elon fact check himself before he opens his mouth to millions of followers?

Federal government is not sophisticated enough to use nosql databases.

People in charge shouldn’t talk like this.

Uncivilized fodder

He’s a fraud.

Too be far only like 60% of databases use SQL.

> is controlling the government 

> has zero clue how it fucking works

> incredible job everyone 

Actually I will guess IBM DB2 will be what government is using for social security administration a a main db. However, there might be some other supporting databases around integrated systems. And they could be also mysql or even mariadb.

No way man, they store everything in one big csv file.

Whats the context for his tweet? Who is he responding too?

I saw the exchange in programmer humour and I 100% thought it was fake.
Jesus Christ…..

The social security database most likely uses cobol.

Of course Elon they’re probably using excel, or god forbid sheets.

Query: Select * From DogeBag;
Output: Null

Did he say SQL like “S Q L” or like “sequal”?

The first is the generic query language, the latter is a Microsoft implementation of a database that uses S.Q.L.

Or he’s a dick. Who knows

i still dont know how notes are stil a thing at this point

This retard thinks the Government doesn’t use SQL

Don’t let him near the SQL. He’ll delete everything he possibly can.

Musk and trump are repulsive petulant children….the world is looking at this in disbelief. They’re not laughing anymore , they are mourning the loss of a once great democracy.

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