They Don’t Care

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It’s only about controlling women. Nothing to do with pro-life.

That’s because they don’t care about the actual lives of people, especially children.

Forcing mothers to have children propagates generational poverty among minorities. Keeping them in their place. It’s an abhorrent strategy, but it works.

They were also contemplating bringing back death penalty for abortions in Texas. They so pro-life, they’ll kill ya.

In my country the state pays for health insurance of all children and young adults until they finish university (that are automatically insured from birth at the same provider as the mother). The fact that that might be controversial somewhere is insane to me.

“Pre-born, you’re fine. Pre-school, you’re fucked!” – George Carlin

Pro-life until it’s time to be pro-child. The hypocrisy is exhausting. 💔

Bro has some point

“If you’re pre-born, you’re fine. If you’re preschool, you’re fucked.”

Republicans are pure evil

They are pro-birth, not pro-life

Throw the baby in the bin as soon as it comes out of that 13 years old girl’s womb. We don’t care (Republicans in the 21th century).

The GOP is not Pro Life, it is Pro Birth Birth.

That’s all.

To quote George Carlin ” If you’re unborn you’re fine. If you’re born you’re fucked. “

What a gross country.

It’s pro-birth, not pro-life

If I was a woman in that state forced to give birth to a kid I didn’t want I would leave it at the doorstep of one of the politicians who voted for this.
If they force me to give birth to this kid, they can have it!

they only care insofar as they can use the pregnancies and resulting expensive and time-consuming babies to subjugate half the adult population

that is the single and only reason they want these things

the only lives they care abt are their own

We care about the lives of babies…until they’re born. After that, than fuck you and your baby.

It’s Alabama, probably ok if you knock up your sister lmao

If you’re pre-birth, you’re good. If you’re pre-school, you’re screwed.

They never cared. They don’t care about them before they’re born either. Or the woman who carries them. This is about controlling women, not caring for women and children.

It’s not about the kids it’s about punishing women for having sex.

Nothing like christian nationalists who want to punish women

It has always been about punishing women, not saving babies.

This place sucks ass

If it’s a person it can’t occupy your property without your consent.

The problem is there’s going to be people who lie who wanted a baby and then lied saying they didn’t want the baby just to get the government funding. If you don’t want to have a baby, don’t f****** spread your legs. There’s a million ways to Sunday to prevent pregnancy.

It’s pro-birth not pro-life.

The most clever thing leftists have done in my lifetime is to make the people who say “abort the poor” the good guys.

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