They expect you to be grateful.

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I learned this week that the hospital charges patients $1,500 for the procedure that I perform a dozen times per day. I make $40/hr

Wait, yall have time for breakfast?

Thank god for the normalisation of working from home

Today’s work is just modernized slavery that humans somehow think is okay but slavery isn’t?

Where do we draw the line…


And i do all that just so I barely have enough to put food on my plate and a roof over my head. I’m litterly too exhausted after work to do anything but to survive.

๐ŸŽต I’m on my porch cause I lost my house key

I pick up my book and I read Bukowski ๐ŸŽต

Look at this guy sleeping in an hour and a half from most workers.

Mostly because the majority of the planet is waking up earlier, working much harder, and for much less. My aunt breaks her back for 16 dollars a day in Mexico. I made double that in an hour in my air conditioned office in front of my monitor. My grandpa worked the fields until he died and barely made enough to feed his family. There were plenty of nights he didnโ€™t eat and went right back to working those fields in the morning. Even at my lowest when I was struggling to pay rent I still had a roof over my head, I wasnโ€™t hungry, and I had my playstation. Maybe itโ€™s because I compare my life to those who are actually living in poverty but I am very grateful. Iโ€™d love to own that house with a white picket fence, have a vacation home and the funds to travel frequently but that doesnโ€™t mean I canโ€™t appreciate what I do have.

My partner works for an oil and gas manufacturing plant. He has a 2h+ commute each way.

For someone who claims to be an anarchist and anti-capitalist, he has a huge amount of loyalty and willingness to work for free and put himself at risk to bend over for his bosses.

It sickens me and makes me so angry. He needs therapy but his work takes so much he can’t get it.

I wish he’d just… Buck up and quit. I’ve told him that so much. Idk why he keeps it.

Would definitely recommend finding a quote from someone other than Bukowski. Dude was a grade a pile of garbage

well if you’re able to “make lots of money for someone else”, then the answer is quite simple:

Stay home and make that money for yourself

but I suspect the “reality” isn’t so simple. I suspect that the reason you are able to “make lots of money for someone else” is because they give you the tools, the training and the opportunity to make that money…. without such, you would not be able to make that money… ..

Otherwise, you wouldn’t do it.

Sucks, but enjoy being poor your whole life most likely if you don’t do something similar to this.

“A billionaire chatting with his friends, they’ve gotta stop to laugh
“we’ve really got those suckers fooled, we’ve got ’em trained like rats!”
The riches plot, control your thoughts, to make you blame yourself
“the rich are rich because they’re smarter than me…”
You’re taught this is right, that it’s your fault”

This hits home and its from the song Kill the Rich

He forgot shower

My mantra every day

Everybody’s a whore, it only differs in what you’re made to shill.

Heโ€™s not wrong.


Man I wish. Mine goes off at 5:15 ๐Ÿ™

Always love when people post “inspirational” quotes of Charles Bukowski, knowing all of his work

My boss regularly tells us that we should be grateful for the job we have

That feeling when you’re jealous of the dead for finishing the race

Cause at one time in the past working to make someone else rich also made u enough to get by and maybe even get a few little luxuries. Not the case todayโ€ฆ.

I think about this quote at least once a day. Except my job starts at 7 AM (but still ends at 5 PM), so I have to wake up way earlier than 6:30 if I want to be able to get ready for the day.

Guess he never read any Dickens. I’ll take the desk over starving in Rathole Alley any day of the week.

I swear you people are so incredibly coddled. Letโ€™s rewind 100 years and see how the working conditions were then.

Amen! We are slaves living under a assumption that we are free.. They have changed the Colosseum for TilTok, Tv shows and fast food..

Ha. I dress and brush teeth, put a hat on, and leave. Iโ€™ll eat breakfast and take a shit on company time.

So tired of “congrats!” emails on reaching the next stage of a job application. Like ok, did I win a prize?

Bold of you to assume I own a toothbrush. Or have teeth left

Yโ€™all get breakfast?!

Is this where people meetup to complain about adulting ?

I loved him in Labyrinth

If your on probation, then you’re legally obligated to do so

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