They literally are in control!

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Ever the victims.

Abusers never admit responsibility.ย 

GOP has only two “skills”, whine and blame the Dems.

Why bother saying this, when shutting down the government has been their primary goal for the past two months?

Why can’t MAGA pass a budget? WIll be be one continuing resolution from economic collapse?

Will that be the justification for a sovereign wealth fund? MAGA is there to keep the legislative branch from functioning. The Sovereign Wealth fund will remove Congressional Oversight from the budget.

Everything is someone else’s fault, you can create and believe whatever version of reality or history you want, you can ignore, disregard or dispute clear unequivocable facts, you can hold completely contradictory ideologies simultaneously. Down is up and up is down. Being good is wicked and being wicked is good.

Republicans are allergic to personal responsibility

New pickup line: The Democrats are why I am not rich and attractive. Hey, it works on these idiots, maybe one is a hot woman? Looking at Republicans though, realize that is doubtful.

And you can just constantly repeat whatever BS you want to be true, regardless of how factually incorrect it is. “Truthiness” as Colbert calls it.

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They could establish a single-party system and still blame the dems for everything. Why has this country fallen to such illogic

Controlling a branches of government and still admitting you are so ineffective.

You gotta understand that their reality is not based on verifiable evidence.

Rather truth is assigned to whatever, they believe, best serves their interests.

They arenโ€™t applying truth to power, theyโ€™re applying power to truth.

This is the result of accept capitalism as your master.

Almost everything people hate about the government is a Republican policy

Everybody currently supporting Trump is betraying America, they are all traitors

Republicans have the major tactical advantage of just wanting to destroy everything.

They learned from the worst…Trump.

Something good happens “It’s all me!”.

Something bad happens “Its all them!”.

It’s because they need 60 votes in the Senate, so they’ll need a handful of Dems to agree.

Not saying this makes any of it the Dems’ fault, just stating facts.

The freakin stock market wouldnโ€™t have crashed if Biden hadnโ€™t gotten it so high.

The “enemy” is always simultaneously pathetically weak and terrifyingly strong.

You’d think by now, Americans would know what Republicans represent. It’s business over people, bigotry, and denying responsibility for the outcome.

Because scapegoating is their platform

The GOP approach to governance is โ€œwe donโ€™t have a plan but whatever the democrats want to do we donโ€™t want.โ€

Call your representatives. Tell every Dem there that if you work with these people on anything then you will never represent us again.

Republicans have maintained control of the Iowa legislature for years now and are still pushing a state version of โ€œDogeโ€. As if all of the waste and misuse hasnโ€™t emerged from republican spending in the first place. The cherry on top is we have a wonderful state auditor who did find waste and abuse, and then republicans passed legislation to limit his ability to audit spendingโ€ฆ.

Like Texas the lastโ€ฆ forever.

How dare the democrats not save us from our own stupidity!

And no one calls you out publicly on your BS

If these incompetent assholes canโ€™t pass a budget, then itโ€™s time for them to turn inwards and start asking some hard questions. A career in politics may not be their strong suit. Besides the world could always use a few more ditch diggers. Iโ€™m sure their baby soft hands would harden up in no time.

Why is Peter Thune speaking to reporters? He’s a billionaire wacko, not a politician.

Unfortunately heโ€™s right. The media will frame it exactly that way. And it will work.

They can say that and get away with it because their constituents are either ignorant, stupid, illiterate or billionaires
Go figure!
Soul reason they keep want to keep their constituents from getting any education

This isn’t a murder and it shows a basic lack of understanding of how the US Congress works. If the GOP is totally in control, why is there talk about democrats derailing the CR passed by the House?

Right??? The supporters too! Doubling down on their terrible decisions, blaming the adults in the room and just being fucking losers all the way

Incompetence and Republicans, they go together.

Yep. Everything bad that will happen was already in the works when the dems were in control and is now inevitable and beyond their control to stop and their base fucking believes it.

Nice try buddy but your king has awaken many people with his BS.

Doesn’t matter if it’s true. It only matters if their cults believe them.

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