They need more underpaid workers

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” You don’t have to eat every day ” enough Cruella!

Can we bring back tar and feather yet?

Lady, no one one is going out to dinner or the movies when they cant afford food, you dim-witted diletante. 

Eat the rich.

She doesn’t have to talk and yet here we are

we’re in peak capitalism when the rich insist the rest of us live in poverty and have babies, so they can have more batteries

if we don’t have to go to the movies or dinner, then she doesn’t have to cake on that ghoulish make-up

It’s so funny when rich people try to imagine how normal people live…like who on earth in 2024 can’t afford a child because they’re going to the cinema too much😂

the people who stole their wealth from us now shame us for being poor

You must produce workers, you don’t have to live. Your wages are a business expense, they aren’t for your wellbeing.

Never does the mask slip so badly as when they say shit like this. We are nothing more than the fuel to make the money machine go to these people. We are cattle to be herded. A necessary business expenditure that they would do away with if they could, another impediment to them having *ALL* the money.

One day the herd will remember that they outnumber the farmers.

The turd doesn’t fall far from the asshole.

Why is this woman being interviewed? I don’t care whose mother she is, she herself isn’t doing anything. 

“Evil” is a gene, evidently.

A typical old rich bitch.

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, this family is proof that Darwin was wrong.

Great clapback, but the parents of Pol Pot, Mussolini and Hitler would like a word. Also John Wayne Gacy, Ted Bundy…

Cruella’s great grandma wants y’all to make babies

Next up: Hitler’s mom on neighbourhood love…

In her defense she didn’t raise nobody, she had maids for that.

The rich are so disconnected from reality!

You think the rich raise their own children? Your point still stands, but they neglect the hell out of their kids and have a surrogate stand in for them.

She and trump clearly share the same hair stylist

Strong opinion from Apartheid Barbie

Why is she even in this country and tell her to shut the fuck up?

Off with her head

Why does she look like Max Headroom’s wife?

Parenting is easy. Just give them a serial number and an emerald mine. Look at Elmo, he turned out okay. Sure, he has his foibles, is literally determined to Leave The World Behind in an eternal quest for validation, but it’s not an exact science. For every sociopath with Asperger’s or megalomaniac you have to break a few eggs.

I’m wondering how long before Americans take the rich folks cocks out of their mouths and fight back?

You don’t have to eat just be slaves to the billionaires

If I was going to take advice from someone else, it sure wouldn’t be the crypt keeper with decent hair.

Stupid old bitch.

Do you think anyone has told her how awful her child is?

Worst person in the world! He’s worse than Hitler? Ghangis Khan?

As if he wasn’t bad enough, we are now being subjected to his mother?

You know what else you don’t *have to* do?

Become a parent so that this lady’s kid has more wage slaves.

Since Elons father likes to have sex within the family, Elon should just have a go with his mother to shut her up

Her husband was so sick of her that he married his stepdaughter instead. Really makes you think.

Ms. Kylie clearly doesn’t know her history. The worst person in history was (both in 1st place) man who went down in history as Joseph Stalin, and his american counterpart Jack Welch, also known as man who broke capitalism.

That said, I totally agree with asessment. She should use protection long time ago!

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