They need more underpaid workers.

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She should have had more than 3 kids then. She could afford them all, so why didn’t she do it ?

Everyone’s favourite thing ever eh? Out of touch rich people telling us we don’t need creature comforts and should be breeding like good peasants to make even more peasants.

There’s a Dalmatian skin coat somewhere near her

Like mother, like son.

Stfu. You gave birth to the anti-Christ. No one’s gonna take parenting advice from you.

Not only does she look like a Disney Villain, she talks like one too.

They don’t want underpaid workers, they want slaves

She sent her kids to school in a Rolls Royce. Sure, she knows how hard it is to raise kids with a small budget.

Can someone please punch her

Didn’t her husband had a relationship with his stepdaughter or adopted daughter?

“You don’t have to enjoy life. We just need your labor not your happiness.” -A Musk probably

I’ve seen this everywhere, and what disappoints me, is that the chosen reaction to this is basically, “well, yeah, your son is a jerk!” That’s some MAGA level thinking right there.

Mamma Musk let the mask slip and said the quiet part out loud: “you poors quit complaining and have kids, we need their labour.” This is literally a scene from a YA dystopian novel!

…..second worst.

Elon’s mother looks like she strangles puppies for fun.

I don’t need to go to the movies but she needs millions of dollars? Fuck off. If leisure less important than having children why doesn’t she give up her leisure and donate her money to fund people who do want kids but can’t afford it? 

Did she basically just call everyone subhumans compared to her and her son?

These people (Elon Musk, Vivek Ramaswami and others) will take this country back to the 1850s before this country had so many modern advances. It’s going to get very tough for the common people because of this. The birth rates are going to decrease from the levels they are at now.

The astounding lack of common sense and decency or basic understanding of the economic reality of the middle class aside.
I ain’t taking parenting advice from some Cruella de Vil lookin headass.

Why “no offense” much offense. Frankly, loads of offense. Fuck this strumpet and her loathsome issue

The cost of raising a kid is about $27,000 a year. That averages out to about $73 a day. I don’t know anyone who has $73 a day in disposable cash that they are using on movies, Starbucks, avocado toast and the like.

Says the woman who has not worked a day in her life. Hubby’s emerald mines had slave wage workers. She’s South African white who misses when black ppl lived under apartheid. The Musk family were basically slaves owners. Also, Momma Musk is not an American, she’s a throwback to the worst of times. Musk are all monsters

Fuck you and your kid lady

1) “You don´t need to spend time with your kids. Just raise us some Corporateslaves!”

2) IDK Elmo is a piece of shit but “the worst person to ever live”? A certain austrian with a weird mustache would like to have a word in this too.

Anybody else seeing her pic and having a flashback to when the decrepit Lo Pan shot energy out of his eyes and mouth in the movie Big Trouble in Little China?

Weirdly conflicting talking point. The entertainment company that crows that people are welfare queens, having too many kids they can’t afford, and how woman just need to “shut their legs” are showcasing someone whom is advocating for the opposite? The messaging on that platform is so confusing. I get why people like musk swap hats for republicans because they’re for sale and for cheap, but I don’t get why the layman consumes this.

someone tell cruella deville to stfu

Yes cuz going out to dinner every so often is why I can’t afford rent and gas and i utilities .

Has Kylie Cheung not heard of Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao.. Jimmy Saville? List goes on. Elon’s not a good dude, but hyperbole aside, he sure as shit isn’t anywhere near the worst person to ever live 😅

To *ever* live? Let’s pump the brakes a little

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