They need to do this with every illegal Trump order. He’s not a king.

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Stopping fascism 101: do not preemptively comply. They will subvert the law at every opportunity, do not comply in advance. Make them do it the hard way.

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Nope. They’re pushing back. Good for them!

This motherfucker acts like he’s still hosting his shitty reality TV show, playing with his obsolete ‘you’re fired’ catchphrase like a child, in environments that have drastic real life repercussions.

This shit is embarrassing. This country is shameful.

I agree that’s the way he understands…use trump’s legal tactics right back at him… take it to court and delay delay delay.

This dud(e) trying to turn us into North Korea…

A convicted felon turned president and people thought he’ll be obeying laws after becoming the strongest person in the country? The place where he can change laws wherever and however he wants?

Colour me surprised

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Next Wednesday’s Headline: “Grassley Apologizes to Trump, Tongues Asshole”

Good for the IGs though, stick it to him as much as you can.

More of our elected officials need to stand up against him. Whatever happened to their oath of office…

Huh, my senior senator actually getting it right for a change…

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Wow chuck Fucking grassly. Chezus it’s strange time

He’s not a king, but they’re certainly trying to change that. Glad these guys are standing up to him.

Detailed reasons? You think these numbnuts have the ability to give detailed reasons?

Props to these people but we’ll see how long it last.

Can anyone find any source for this? I just checked and I don’t see anything.

I’m glad they’re pushing back. Trump will ultimately be able to remove them but people can’t just roll over and take it. The more we delay him the less damage he can do.

Keep the pressure on your reps by calling and emailing. Here’s an easy way to find them

Nope, you put him in power you deserve the consequences. This keep standing your ground bs won’t help in the long run. Just let things happen that way when the braindead masses that voted for him will realise it was stupid. You resist, they just double down. E.g. that Bishop currently getting a lot of hate.

Good!!! Do you think republicans would leave those positions? Ain’t no way

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