They not like us

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They didn’t mind snoop dawg at the inauguration.

Is there anything MAGA does NOT hate? 🤔

The irony of an account called end wokeness while also being so damn insecure and fragile they go on absolute tirades over a half time show

Im not a rap music fan but i at least recognize it as music. I feel like as a metal head this gotta be your prospective because these same mfs will be the first to shit over the music i listen to.

If Vanilla Ice did the half time show this guy would be loving it.

Good. I don’t want them liking the same stuff as me😂

Weren’t they all bumping to a song called Daddy’s Home made by a rapper like three weeks ago?

And they took it personally

Anyone else notice that the masks… er… white hoods are really coming off quickly now?

They ain’t even create their own favorite genre.

Country was originated by black artists

Or drinking a case of beer and then driving around in their pickup truck.

Stop tolerating that “end wokeness” astroturfing account. Holy shit, they consistently have the most extreme boomer takes ever.

A definition of music is “a form of art involving organizing sounds to create a composition that expresses emotion and ideas.”

Seems like rap would fall under that definition; and just like all art forms, not everyone gets it.

It’s not a “clever” comeback. It’s the easiest stereotype to reach for.

Stupid racist says what?

Why does “End Wokeness” keep making promises that they refuse to keep?

Did they die on that hill?

By “end wokeness,” he means “end black people.”

I don’t like rap, but it takes a special kind of stupid to call something which is obviously music “not music”

Rap is too intelligent for their slow minds

If rap isn’t real then what’s country. Talk about some of the worst music ever. It all sounds the same

Outside of some heavy metal lyricists, hip-hop is home to some of the most verbose writing in any type of literary sense.

How about Fellatio Blow, a guy with the most offensive facial hair?

Yea they prefer Roseanne and That dude who looks like a detention desk

They can die on that hill and no one will notice. 

MAGA here. I like rap. A lot of it is garbage. But I also like country, but a lot of it is garbage too. I also like rock, but a lot of it too is garbage. So anyway, hope you have a good day.

Then…. eh….die? 🤷‍♂️

I’m okay with that Twitter account dying on a hill or anywhere actually.

“I’ll die on this hill”

Do it then.

Modern country music is essentially hip hop

Was it actually good though?

Like I’ve seen a few rap shows in my day – Talib Kweli, Gym Class Heroes, Nas and Wu Tang…

I am definitely not a rap fan, but I don’t hate it by any stretch.

This was bad though. Even the couple of songs I had heard before still sounded garbled and unclear.

Please, by all means, do die on that hill.

Tbf, isn’t End Wokeness a Russian bot account?

Instead they write music about how rap artists are child predators, disrespect women, and think crime is what the cool kids are doing.

Got it.

If this is true, why do I frequently pull up to a stoplight and see the whitest people I’ve ever seen in my life blaring rap music?

Sounds better than certain incestuous backwater country songs tho

*I’ll die on this hill*

Well go on then. Hurry up.

I just say the lyrics are too complex and fast for their simple minds.

Taylor Swift songs aren’t music and I want them to die on this hill as well

I don’t like rap but I’m glad it wrecked their day.

Also, the shade thrown at Drake was superb.

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