They somehow stop working when I need them to work

By oIKR2
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Nothing is more infuriating than having a mostly idle printer, you need to print 1 page, and it decides now is a good time to perform “printer maintenance.”

My HP printer: Cannot print, no WiFi network found.
Me: You’re connected to the PC by USB cable, you muppet.
My HP printer: Cannot print, no WiFi network found.

I cant understand how we want to conquer the Mars when we cant get working this devices for like 30 years .

Brother… get a brother

Idk anything about anything. But i went thru probably 10 cheap hp printers in 10 yrs.

I bought a laser brother (about 250? Not cheap cheap but i had had enough) one time and i think ive bought a 25 dollar toner for it on ebay, once.

Ive moved with it 3 times, owned it about 8 yrs now, never had an issue or a fit with it.

Ill preach this from the mountaintops every chance i get.

Honestly, at this point, I think they’re just trolling us.

Brother laser printers are perfect. The toner doesn’t go bad, there’s no inkjet to jam, and they aren’t programmed to claim they’re empty.

I can turn mine on after a year of ignoring it, and it will print perfectly right off the mark.

that moment when you just wanna throw the printer out the window

And you decide to print with no colour and it asks you for the blue ink because it’s empty.

Thrown in some Magenta. Don’t forget about yellow

Brother printers are the only way to go…

Get a fucking laser from brother ffs

Buy a Brother Laserprinter

So glad I went with canon

Load letter

if you were stupid enough to buy a modern HP home printer then you were asking for this.

HP printers are designed to fail + the cartridges have an RFID chip that prevents the use of non-HP cartridges. absolute scam. It gets worse with their bs subscription-“service”.
Buy a cheap laserprinter if you need to print a lot or at least get an inkprinter with refillable cartridges.

Cant a printer just print in these troubling times

Had to install a printer for my gf last week. Needed a fucking phone app to connect it to the internet. In the past you actually had the option to put on the WiFi info on the printer itself. Her pc didn’t wanna recognise it through usb cuz it wasn’t registered on her WiFi. Dumbest shit ever

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