They stole billions profiting of denying their people’s healthcare

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Lol what a “No True Scotsman”

“Any corporation that harms you is bad because it’s a pseudo government, a true corporation would never hurt you”

3-5% on several hundred billion dollars is still a lot of billions. Dudes trying to get cute and failing hard.

Jesus Christ… is there no bottom that these ghouls won’t reach?

It’s as if 3-5% of an astronomical amount of money isn’t also an astronomical amount of money.

$22 billion in profit at the cost of lives, health and happiness is too high a profit margin no matter what the total revenue is.

22billion in profits was it?

Well, these numbers do check out.

But it may very well be that the Insurance company drives up the cost of care to drive the cost of insurance. 5% on 100 is 5 but 5% of 10000 is 500. That makes hell of a difference at the bottom line.

I know that this is also the case in Finland because medicin is highly regulated with profit margins and the pharmacies don’t really sell super cheap generic drugs like in e.g. NL (20 tabs of paracetamol for under a euro) because they don’t really get any profit margin from that.

3-5% is what’s left over AFTER the executives and shareholders have gotten their blood money.

Whats more sad is these same people will try and put the blame ON DOCTORS for the high price of healthcare when in reality… doctors are getting more and more screwed by the system every fucking year – its the hospital admins/systems AND insurance companies together that are fucking over both its workers and its patients – dont let them convince you otherwise.

I am going to be in debt the rest of my life as a med student, even when I am a doctor unless I do some really niche work which I don’t plan on. I hate insurance as much as the next guy, I get 0 joy from watching patients worry about the bill and I HATE it for them/and myself as a patient too… most doctors are absolutely on the patients side with this, dealing with insurance companies sucks for docs too, and many ARE fighting for you.

no the stocks he owned in the company was 43 million, he also had another 20 in options, paid 10 a year. also guarantee he had a mansion and other stocks.

2% of just 1 billion is 20,000,000. The typical profit margin for healthcare companies is 6%. UnitedHealth Group Reports $4.7 Billion Profit.

bitch the only reason their reported profits are so low is so they can avoid paying tax, what kind of fucking corpo boot licker do you have to be to think insurance companies are borderline charities??

YOUR insurance payments are irrelevant to them, they are immediately invested in to stocks. They make their money gambling with your premiums.

What, you want him to make only a million?! That’s barbaric /s

an insurance broker literally told me the other day that they’re minimum gross profit is 20%

like, if I (or my employees) use more than 80% of the benefits I pay for they’ll raise my rates until they’re making 20% off me.

It is better for me just to pay people more and not get a company benefits plan (basic healthcare is free here anyways) since if employees actually use it the price skyrockets.

Sure, on paper a company may show it has 0-5% profit, but if the payout to CEOs was “at a reasonable level”, those profits would be much greater. Also, most of their payouts to CEOs and high-up underlings aren’t by paycheck. It’s fucking confusing how the system is gamed. Your accountant may know, I don’t have a full grasp.

But “Ghoul” is an accurate word.

Profits are recorded after they pay out executive salaries and bonuses.

$22 BILLION dollars. Millions of dollars to the ghouls that make decisions that end lives. Fuck this argument.

BARELY FOR-PROFIT COMPANIES?!? Jesus Fistfucking Christ, Ive heard it all now

Karl Marx was correct.

We are seeing it more and more every day.

Luigi stumbled upon it on his own so its clearly there for all to see if they open their eyes.

UnitedHealthcare also reported 33B in profit. OH and this fuck Brian approved to tank the billing system… that they own… which doctors used to get paid- and when then docs went under they bought their practices.

So UHC owns in this order: The Facility and doctors who diagnose, the payment method / claims method used to get insurance payment & the insurance company who pays the claims.

Then Brian put in place 51% denial on claims, as standard. Bare with me… so if you are paying for their insurance, go to their provider, need help- they still deny you so you have to go to appeals.

OH AND! They have policy is place to not let appeals go over 33%.

Fucked company, let by the guy who got popped. Sorry but it’s reality

3-5% of a 100 billion is quite a bit

The ACA tried to cap how much insurance companies were able to collect above what they spent on services in an attempt to reign in premium prices while they were expanding availability (see: MLR). Of course, what happened is that insurance companies pay out more money on services so they can collect more money without going over their cap. They also found other revenue sources they could exploit, like PBMs. The % stays within the limits, but the net is higher. Never underestimate how much these guys are willing to game the system.

I’d rather hammer nails into my cock, than listen to another rich fuck desperately trying to defend these scamming middleman “health” care companies.

Just playing devil’s advocate, just about any CEO of a large listed US company is going to have a net worth of 40m+. Don’t think him being rich is solely attributed to him being at a health insurer

Net worth is basically just his stock options in the company

construction management firms often make 3% fee or less on major projects, but then again, those projects can be billions of dollars….

lol so what most car parts manufacturers make something like 5-6% profit and they are definitely businesses

“3-5%” is fucking huge for most companies. Especially when dealing with quantities in the billions/trillions. Fuck right off.

UHC recently posted a 9 BILLION dollar profit in ONE QUARTER. Don’t give me that shit.

Some people on twitter make a very good point: if health insurance is expensive, but the insurance companies are only making 3-5% profit, then the problem is not the insurance companies.

US doctors and nurses get paid astronomical amounts and hospitals charge through the nose. Yet no one complains about them, only the fact insurance isn’t cheap!

🤣 yeah Brians death really left the family reeling huh? What are they crying their eyes out in some pent house bed or 200 ft yacht? 🤣 Fuck the guy I’m gonna wait a few weeks and shit on his grave like he did to so many actually struggling Americans

huh.. i honestly assumed from all the reddit spam that this guy was a billionare

Wow, they can do stock by backs when they only make so little profit…. poor rich people

Regulatory capture is when businesses manage to control the government bodies meant to keep them honest, not the other way around.

UHC had a 6% profit margin. That’s an AWESOME figure from a pure financials standpoint. That translates to a 13% return on capital, which is what investors want. Every CEO in America touts a mid-teen RoE.

And whatever they are charged , they just charge us more. Because, hey, who wants to die?


UnitedHealth Group average gross margin for 2022 was **24.17%**, a 2.38% increase from 2021. UnitedHealth Group average gross margin for 2021 was 24.76%, a 3.73% decline from 2020.

Sounds like a great candidate for cutting out the middlemen.

Bro makes himself look middle eastern in his bio pic whilst being the hue of printer paper in reality.

ONLY 43 Million?! Poor guy was living Paycheck – Paycheck! No wonder he had to stay at a different hotel than the conference he was attending!

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