They wanna go back

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Translation: Remove all civil rights and Make Murica White Again.

Why stop at the 50s? They can go back to pre civil war era. That is their target anyways.

There used to be consequences for politicians doing shit like this, we really have regressed as a society

Well if they want the 50’s back… the top marginal tax rate in the 50’s was 91%. Stock buybacks were flatly illegal. Real wages were higher and housing for a whole family was affordable based on a single wage earner’s salary.

They don’t want the 50’s back… they just want to revive racism, white supremacy and prejudice against anything not white, cis, hetero, Protestant and male.

We told them this was the goal. They called us crazy.

If you want the 50s back you have to destroy the manufacturing ability of Europe and Asia like World War Two did

None of their voters are actually lost on this. They just hate America

Segregation now, segregation forever apparently.

People forget that these conservatives really didn’t care about RvW when it was ruled law of the land. What really pissed these people off were civil rights and desegregation. It took years for them to realize they could use the abortion issue to garner votes, but they were always after civil rights.

Much like the 50s the next step will be implementing a new version of the Hays Codes

Go back to physical media while we can preserve all of it

Jack “Poso” was born in 1984. He knows nothing about the 1950s.

Yes let’s bring back the tax rates of the 50s

So Maga just wants to make America white again got it. Oh wait we knew this

Putting aside all the racial undertones of all of this. If you want the 50’s back, you have to destroy most global infrastructure and leave US manufacturing untouched, preferably twice in a few decades, to allow global hegemony. Maybe then people would be able to afford vacations, time off, homes, and raising children.

Or, you know, that’s not possible, and the only way for average people to retake that quality of life is for something absolutely drastic to happen. Wealth has been redistributed, power has been taken away from the lower classes both in terms of political power as well as labor power. None of that is on their agenda. This is simply more pandering to the ignorant. Nostalgia and fear are powerful tools, and that’s what is being leveraged in this omnipresent class war that is being imposed upon us by the ruling elite.

It’s unfortunate that left and right (real people, not politicians) can’t see these things for what they are. The rich are consolidating power and solidifying their institutions of control. And nostalgia and fear are their hammers and nails.

The problem is they think the ’50s is leave it to Beaver and vacuum cleaner commercials.

They are talking about the 1850s

They want the racism from the 50s back and the gender roles. But when you ask about the economics they don’t seem to have an answer. Like how do we go back to single income households where one income can pay the mortgage and send kids to colleges?

Wtf you mean ‘tHeY wAnT tO gO bAcK 🥴🥴🥴’


Explain to me like I’m five? Are they referring to any amendment put in the constitution after 1959 (woah my parents birth year) or is there another meaning to “repeal the Sixties?”

We’ll take the top marginal tax rate of the 1950s. 84-92% in the 1950s

So around the time people other than white males started getting rights? But dont call him racist or misogynist.

Can we go back to 50’s tax rates too?

hmmm 1950’s when the top tax rate was 91% , I bet they don’t want that part of the 1950’s back .

They want to go back before they lost Vietnam! Their heyday.

lol, “Bumble Jack” still posting online? Did his wife take him back after he tried to recruit a side piece on Bumble and got caught?

I have been asking since 2016 “what do you think they mean by make america great again”? It’s so very clearly about getting back to pre-civil rights when white men ruled with no rails. I hate this timeline.

I dunno, it sure seems like they want to go back to the 40s what with their defense of Musk’s Nazi salutes.

Well at least in the 50’s, we were all pretty much clear on Nazis=bad.

In order to have the world I want; I need to ‘others’ to be lesser than me.

Nothing says “love thy neighbor” more than repealing civil rights and workplace protections for your neighbor.

There’s no hate quite like Christian love.

If you’re going back to the 50’s, then start with the 92% top tax rate. Don’t go halfassed. Go full 1950’s if you’re going to do it.

Imagine being so fucking stupid you think the economy in the 50s was a product of ‘white’ culture and not more strict tax policy, coming off of the new deal, and the aftermath of WW2 giving America a huge lead.

If you want cigarettes cigarettes cigarettes hate wife heart attack you need to offer up minorities as a human sacrifice.

The regressive party.

The 50s were so great *because* of FDRs New Deal (which is largely decried as “socialism” by the magats) and the 75% tax rate on the richest of the rich…

These people are morons

I’m not gonna bother to find it, but I’m pretty sure I’ve seen this person support the repeal of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, which is what he is likely referencing here.

Idk what to even say. If you’re against the 1964 Civil Rights Act, that ought to be enough to disqualify your opinions on anything and prevent anyone with any authority from paying attention to you, but apparently not today.

I don’t buy the whole 50’s agenda thing. Women could still vote. I think the 1920’s are more their speed. Maybe the 1800’s before that tall hatted traitor screwed everything up.

not my thoughts, just what I think they think.

Pretty sure we got the 50s by winning the war against fascism

No doubt he means 1861-1865.

Bring back leaded gasoline everyone!

Funny, no one wants the tax rates from the 50’s, just all the oppression of women and anyone not white.

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