They will never have enough

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Is greed an addiction??? I think so and it’s dangerous to have addicts that are sooo infested-running the free world!!

This image would be a lot more impactful with many, many more people at the bottom.

Funny thing is that heap isn’t even close to the mountain of cash the Billioniares sit on. That’s probably 5 or 10 million.

so many people here think they’re not at the bottom, and the truth is, you’ll never get to the top.

Get your guillotines ready, boys.

They’ll milk you until the last drop of blood

Shareholders do not care about this or you. They never will.

Could somebody please clarify how many Americans do indeed work for minimum wage? And there are also different minimum wages in the US: the federal one and several different state minimum wages.

I don’t think anyone against raising the minimum wage accuses the proponents of it of greed, just ignorance.

Meanwhile in a lot of countries outside of the USA. They have free healthcare. Can afford food. Don’t pay stupid people taxes. Imagine.

Classic projection

Imagine you have so much money, that it’s just a number but you are so obsessed with hoarding more and more. I just can’t understand it.

Greed is a mental illness and our government is full of thieves and criminals.

Unfortunately, to be in the game is to be a stock investor now.

This exactly. No one is stopping and ending.

So they really all have a money bin, like Scrooge McDuck?

I am very ignorant to when it comes to all this because I was in the military for far too long – but would should it be raised to?


So 10 December 2013, when minimum wage was 7.25 and Bill Gates was the richest guy on earth?

They will never have enough …. The government

Heath Ledger Joker was a sign

How much would the actual pile look like? Say $40k next to elons stack.

ive always wondered what they actually spend this on.

Raising the minimum wage does nothing except raise the cost of everything else… Until minimum Wage is raised in conjunction with a price freeze, there will be no true, long term benefit. The profits don’t get shrunk for the share holders, the additional cost just gets sent to the consumer. 🤷‍♂️

Buy Bitcoin weekly and forget about it.

Surely minimum wage helps to fight these evil capitalists.

That is until you realize that smaller companies who rely on it will get bankrupt there will be shortages and higher prices and large companies while willingly raise it thanking the government that they eliminated its competition.

What % of Americans earn minimum wage?  Of those, how long before they earn more?

they wanna spend money on the important things like endless war and ai and trade war and tech wars and star wars (seriously stop making so much star wars, the over saturation is cringe)

What will raising the minimum wage do? will it actually give you more purchasing power, or give companies an excuse to raise their prices?

Guy on top is Donald trump saying “immigrants are the problem”

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