They won’t hurt all the billionaires right???

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The weird part is the news article saying he didnโ€™t have any enemies.

Heโ€™s a health insurance company CEO. Heโ€™s got thousands of enemies!

Thoughts and copays

His wife said he got death threats from customers who had their claims denied ๐Ÿ’€

Now I’m not calling for the deaths of CEOs, especially CEOs of companies and businesses that make bank off of human suffering, HOWEVER, I would like to point out to shareholders that CEO deaths have raised your stock prices pretty regularly, just a thought.

โ€œHole in chest, pre existing condition. Claim deniedโ€ ๐Ÿšซ

Good. I hope they live in abject terror for the rest of their lives.

They deny whaaaaaaaat???????

Seriously America, WTF is your Fucking problem?

I don’t want to normalize killing Healthcare CEOs. I just want to normalize the talking heads on TV saying the same things about dead Healthcare CEOs that they say about any black kid shot by the cops.

“Hey, the game is the game, player.”

“He was no angel.”

“Guys in that life know what they’re getting into.”

Record profits after record profits while we canโ€™t get medication paid for, turned over to collections, and have our credit ruined? Medical debt the number 1 reason for US bankruptcy? Not condoning violence but also not shedding tears.

You think they won’t sacrifice a string of CEOs to keep fucking us? Come on now. You can celebrate the cosmic justice from today but don’t be delusional. Unless the guy has another 50 hit jobs planned, nothing is gonna change. Even the stock price went up.

Eat the rich

You never see outcry like this when their decisions kill people. Ironic

Iโ€™m sorry. One dead slimy CEO is not enough for the deductible on my sympathy.

Oddly enough, all of the leadership listed on their website are women.

Wonder if Kim Keck is going to take her public bio down now…

Iโ€™m just surprised it hasnโ€™t happened sooner. I donโ€™t know how these assholes sleep at night. Itโ€™s about time they got a taste of their own medicine, so to speak.

Is this the start of eating the rich?

Pretty sure it’s a *painkillers for me but not for thee* kind of situation.

That’s the problem with being insanely rich, they forget no amount of money is edible nor makes you bulletproof.

Just gonna leave this right here, the CEO of Blue Cross, Daniel Loepp made $15.7 million last year, and $12.3 million of that was in bonuses. Hmmm, i wonder how his bonus structure works…….

Meanwhile people are getting denied care that could at the very least prevent them from ever walking normal, or writing, or basically leading a normal life, or worst case, literally dying.

Shots & payers ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป

Concepts of thoughts and copays

That kind of violence should never be condoned. Guillotines send a much clearer message.

Hopefully they rushed him to the best out of network hospital that charges him up the wazoo and bankrupts his family. Oh did I say that out loud?

I just hope these people stick to their word and keep the second amendment. Donโ€™t want death of one vile man to matter over the lives of children lost to mass shootings.

One of my all-time-favourite self-published books is “I kill rich people.” It’s about an enigmatic New York sniper who – but nah, I don’t want to give it away. ๐Ÿ˜‰

It was remarkably well written, deep, and with poignant multi-POV narratives.

Suspect list probably narrowed down to a few million, if they go by lives they have ruined

Pitchforks & Torches ๐Ÿ”ฅ

My god, the mythical ‘good guy with a gun’

Aaah the ol “let the eat cake” rears it’s head again

well this post is going straight to the top of the front page.

When bad things happen to bad people, no one asks why.

It would be “such a shame” if what happened to the United Healthcare CEO start’s “happening” to other ultra wealthy business owners.

Why are these Billionaires so Evil. Some of them are potential candidates for the Anti christ

Is it finally time to eat them????

So, these non-doctors think that x (time) is enough to complete the surgery under anaesthesiaโ€ฆthis is barbaric and counter to good health outcomes. These people are actually monsters.

We need more please, put the rich to permanent sleep, the video of UHC ceo getting clipped brought joy to many hearts out there.

Finally guns are used for the right purpose.

Politicians next please ๐Ÿ™

The justice system wonโ€™t do it so maybe someone else should.

That guy is my hero. I’m gonna celebrate every Dec 4 in honor of him!

I can’t with this country anymore. Get me out. Wtf is wrong with these companies?! They are actually saying screw living breathing human beings for the profit of money. Money that when they die they can’t take it to the grave.

Not only do they deny paying out claims for upcoming needs, they don’t pay for services already rendered (United). My therapist no longer takes United, because they owed her thousands of dollars and gave b.s. reasons they wouldn’t reimburse her. I guess eventually, all therapists in the area stopped taking them, for the same reason. So they finally anteed up, because they had no therapists in network and wanted to play nice. I work in mental health, so she and I had a discussion about that last year.

Theyโ€™ll just increase premiums and hire security

The American healthcare system is absolutely bonkers. You really need to elect someone that promises to tear it up and go with a normal tax based system like 95% of other countries around the world do.

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