They’re behaving like an emotionless beings

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What a dipshit. Commerce and the stock market are not even close to synonymous. I bought stuff today. I suspect millions of others did too. You don’t even need a capitalist economy for commerce!

Was Bill this bitchy about the closed stock market on Christmas?

This guy Ackman is an Elon Musk wannabe. He desperately tries to make himself into some big social media personality when in reality, he’s just vampire capitalist with all the charisma of a clogged toilet.

What do you mean, emotionless? They loves their money.

Hey Bill… bout you go lick some more CEO boot.

Pretty sure commerce happens regardless of the stock market

“The stock market is the embodiment of capitalism”

Indeed: both benefit the wealthy disproportionately, are prone to manipulation, have regular crises, and are dominated by a few financial institutions and rich individuals.

Close the stock market forever.

Bill is an isn’t everything Bill..

Did Ackman say this or did his wife have someone write it?

“The stock market is the embodiment of capitalism.”

Yeah a system where a tiny percentage of the population do absolutely nothing, creating no value whatsoever push papers back and forth and accrue hundreds of billions of dollars personal wealth.

This is probably about Israel again. Carter was seen as much more even-handed between Israel and the Arabs than other presidents, so Bill Ackman would consider him antisemitic. (His wife is Israeli.)

He’s still on twitter?

Capitalism exists to serve human beings not the other way around!

Celebrate their guys and their guys only!

Fun fact: This guy cause the COVID 19 Stock Market crash.

>COVID-19 response

>Ahead of the [2020 stock market crash](, Ackman hedged Pershing Square’s portfolio, investing $27 million to purchase credit protection, insuring the portfolio against steep market losses.[^([55])]( Pershing Square first disclosed the hedge on March 3, 2020. According to Reuters, “Ackman said hedging was preferable to selling off his portfolio of companies whose businesses are otherwise strong.”[^([56])]( The hedge was effective, generating $2.6 billion in less than one month.[^([57])](

>On March 18, 2020, in a phone interview with [CNBC](, Ackman called upon President [Donald Trump]( for a “30-day shutdown” of the American economy to slow the spread of [coronavirus]( and minimize loss of life and ensuing economic destruction resulting from the shutdown.[^([58])]( Ackman warned that without intervention, hotel stocks were “going to zero” and said that America could “end as we know it”. He also cautioned U.S. companies to stop stock buyback programs because “hell is coming”.[^([59])](

>Ackman later received criticism for actively buying discounted equity stakes in the very companies he was warning could fail;[^([60])]( however, Ackman already had realized roughly half of the gains before appearing during the CNBC interview.[^([61])](

>In a November 2020 interview, Ackman said that he had grown concerned about COVID-19 because he had seen the film [*Contagion*]([^([62])]( response

[He betted $27 million that it will crash…called upon Trump to make his money.](

Sadly closing the stock market is exactly the right tribute for the passing of any US President, I don’t think Bill really understands how his beloved capitalism really works.

The a will.never see a better group walking in the back door of the Whitehouse and having lunch than Rosalie Carter, Jimmy Carter, Billy to be Larry Flint. Those 4 put today’s jokers to shame, trump has nothing that comes close and tbe democrats can only wish they had something close to that today because if they did, trump wouldn’t be getting ready to be inaugurated again.

also I’m pretty sure the stoke market closes at other times too. it’s not always active

I mean I agree with him. But at the same time. If it’s tradition. Who the fuck cares 🤷

Seems like Bill is missing the bigger picture. The stock market is just one piece of the puzzle. People still celebrate and live their lives regardless of stock prices.

Also you ever think shutting down commerce might be the POINT?!

I haven’t seen a single thing happen with closing the stock market. It does literally nothing but make a few even richer by pretending that they have money

Carter stood against a certain lobby which still etches it’s members

WTF the Stock Market has to do with Commerce? We can definitely close the stock market and commerce will be alright. Actually we will be way better without a stock market.

They’re behaving like nazis. Call them what they are.

But, closing down the stock market is clearly Communism! /s

The fuck you mean “behaving”.

Okay, shut down commerce. It isn’t the entire purpose of existing. Let people have moments. Fuck.

It is a weird thing to do unless it’s an actual holiday and everything closes.

Did not know Bill Ackman was a dick until now. He was likely always a dick but I only just found out now.

What an Avoider.


While I don’t agree with all the policies of Carter I was too young to care at that time, but still it’s to honor the man for what he did as he served us by being the president closing the market isn’t even enough to fully honor him. 

Being up another question. Why do we pay former president healthcare and retirement. They only worked 4 or 8 years

Personally I think Bill is right. The market should be 24/7/365. It’s insane to me that it isn’t.

Question: How do we know whether he didn’t say anything, or just didn’t on Twitter in particular?

The difference being that those were good presidents.

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