They’re not as clever as they think they are.

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What does he expect a hitman to look like? Full tactical gear? A very well tailored suit and red tie?

Isnโ€™t a professional hitman just a guy willing to take your money and give it a go? What do you expect him to look like?

I’ll keep an eye out for that generic white guy.
Just doing my part to protect CEOs and billionaires.

You know if the other Health Insurance CEOโ€™s were to fear every shadow or window they walk by, unsure if/when theyโ€™re next I wouldnโ€™t be heartbroken. Unfortunately my empathy is out of network.

If they wash their hands with the blood of countless Americans to make *millions*, good riddance.

It’s cold in New York, dude was dressed for the weather ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿผโ€โ™€๏ธ

Funny that crimestoppers didn’t stop the CEO from killing people,but now they’re interested?

Nah ain’t seen him!

I mean, itโ€™s impressive that he hasnโ€™t been caught already, but Iโ€™ll be surprised if it stays that way for much longer

โ€œGood morning, 47. Your latest target is the CEO of a major scam operation posing as a health insurance companyโ€ฆโ€

Heโ€™s probably French. They know how to deal with rich people.

I love how the entire internet has just collectively gone, “don’t try too hard to solve this one.”

Am i sad the health care dick’s family lost a loved one? Yes. Do i have any sympathy as am under crippling debt due to my wife’s passing? Naw.

jack poso is such a lowlife

Imagine how the Internet would have reacted if he took off his hood and was wearing a Joker mask.ย 

Where did anyone claim that he’s a professional hitman?
Also why is he an expert on professional hitmen?

Why don’t they narrow the list of suspects using the names of clients denied cover by the insurance company? Only those who were ripped off, and who suffered terribly, and perhaps died needlessly, and then check the loved ones whose lives they have destroyed through callous profiteering. Surely there can’t be many, can there? Oh…

Well the masked dude sang a song of angry men.


I bet he thought he would look like this

Wow, crimestoppers actually put up the face of a white criminal? I am the shocked.

Guys, I am shocked at the responses. For god’s sake, where is your humanity?

I can’t believe the callous way everyone is talking about this. You should be ashamed of yourselves.

What about the guy’s family? His loved ones? He had a full life, and now it’s all gone.

I mean, he’s going to spend the rest of his life wondering if they will catch him. Have some sympathy.

If this is some guy. Can we set up a go fund me. And fund him? Like just kill the uber elites. The bad guys. Criteria is easy. If you have a billions or millions and have hurt innocent people, dead.

If you have info on this suspect, no you donโ€™t.

Honestly, it is impossible to avoid cameras in public these days. every fucking house has 4k cameras on top of every business having security

Surprised it took this long. Insurance is the single biggest scam in the entire world. You pay monthly for what in the end amounts to nothing hut a sheet of paper.

Weโ€™re looking for a white man with eyes and a nose.

I’m chronically online but even I wouldn’t confuse reality with fiction that hard. What does he expect? Some guy dressed in all white with a hidden blade and an organisation billions of years old?

I hope he is in Thailand enjoying a cocktail rn

i’M a PoLiTiCaL cOmMeNtAtOr

Normalize holding CEOs accountable

He ainโ€™t a professional hit man, but heโ€™s for sure a professional who lives in the Upper West side. Cause his apparel is as expensive as it gets.ย 

Legit only drawback I see is a lack of gloves and potentially a pair of glasses. Does not need to be sunglasses, just something to add more obscurity.

He looks so incredibly normal and unassuming I doubt they will find him with any swiftness . Tbh anybody willing to do this in the middle of the street had a plan for disposal of any and all evidence and escape . Dude is probably on a plane headed to a country without extradition to the US right now .

To have the chops to calmly clear a jam during an assassination attempt and continue with the hit shows that this person was either highly motivated or skilled at their job.

I really enjoy how this guyโ€™s death has sparked zero sympathy and nothing but ridicule over his death โ€ฆ I really hope that these reactions make the news more and just maybe a penny will drop about the state of healthcare insurance in this country.

โ€ฆ but I doubt it.

They want are trying to make a mockery of the guy beacuse having someone murder rich asshole and be idiolsed as a hero is not a trend that bodes well for them

Plenty of peaple with nothing to loose who want a bit of praise and attention

I really hope he wasnโ€™t carrying his cell phone ๐Ÿ™

Be a stupid way to get caught

Our little school shooters grow up so fast!!

Iโ€™m keen for the police to identify him. Gotta spell his name correctly on a thank you card

I personally hope he doesn’t get caught. Did the world a favor.

Mf thought the assassin was gonna have this fit
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Perhaps if they look for people who lost loved ones due to insurance company bullshit they can narrow the suspects list down to a few million people.

Mike eurmentraut

Hitmen donโ€™t really exists and would not take such a high profile contract that leads to a man hunt. This was personal!

Watch the show Mr Inbetween for a depiction of what an actual hitmen would probably look like nowadays.

And Posobiec is a serial plagiarizer. Point Jack?

Iโ€™m in 2 minds, Iโ€™m really curious about how he knew exactly where the guy was gonna be but also I hope he never gets caught.

Cops are going to be stop searching everyone but a white male.

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