they’re so real for this

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What’s that weird lady with the big sword doing?

Idk, I’ma need to keep hitting this hulk with two healers behind him.

god, I hate that no one focuses on the enemy healers or backline everyone trying to kill the tank while he’s getting max healed

I damn near pulled my hair out yesterday playing as Loki. I was getting Dived by Spiderman and Iron Fist for 3 FUCKING ROUNDS while the rest of my team was jerking off or something in a corner…

thats how i tell people to stay in my bubble and ult as cloak and dagger
“hey, did you know that these things actually heal you? stay in it..please”
it drives me insane.

I was so afraid of him as a healer. Thought he must be invincible. So I tried him out and would end up getting melted in seconds. This guy is so squishy and he can only attack in melee wtf are you guys doing letting him get so far

As a healer, please stop letting him make it so far… as a tank, I’m trying to kill him, but im slow… as a dps, I’m probably dead cause no one chose healer.

Nothing feels better than when I catch a PoS diving assassin that no one will kill for me and unload an entire right click charge into them as Adam and watch their body fall at my feet right before they reach me.

This feeling is dwarfed by the massively higher amount of times it misses and they kill me instead, but still.

As someone who just discovered I’m good at Iron Fist, this is communist propaganda. You can’t just shoot the iron fist.

I was healing in ranked and an iron fist kept diving the back line and killing me and the other healer while the rest of our team raged about how terrible the heals were

This, but with Iron Man.

I’m like, “none of you guys wanted to play DPS so I gotta play support or tank. The least you can do is switch a duelist that has some range and shoot the dude in sky”

Not only iron first, iron MAN as well!!

It’s like that push the cart with the goats map when everyone jumps it the door to die over and over and your like, guys there is another door up here that you can slip through and get behind them…… falls on deaf ears 99% of the time since team mates are usually bots or useless Russians/Slavs

Not when he gets a shield every time he looks at me

The problem is you all actually shoot him and then he puts his bracers up and builds bonus health cause you don’t STOP SHOOTING him. That’s the key lesson here. Learn when to stop shooting him.

Just not when he’s using his parry

“damn bro someone needs to take care of that Hawkeye”
-Said by a instalock DPS the other night

At this point what do you even think your role is supposed to do?

its true, the iron fist is in fact not immortal

Xi Jing Ping chasing a walking shark moment.

Play as jeff and use your ult and then just throw your team mates into the fight , that will help them actually do something in a match

nu uh you cant, bros immortal

Same with Ankhs, mines and a ulting Hela

Focus Zarya’s bubble?

lol, you think we’re a team?

Run into my fair share of assholes already in comp. But that’s kinda funny lol

So fucking real lmao

This also applies to Peni traps and Moon Knight Anhks

ill bet thats a sup player saying that lol

Huh….all this time I have been trying hugs.

Iron Fist playing Mortal Kombat on the battlefield will never get old.

This. But Ironman

I tried guys but having played wanda for a whole week, I can’t aim for shit when I switch back to punisher 🥹

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