They’ve been “canceling” people for years

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witch hunts ,stoning, it’s all history

I keep saying we gotta bring back throwing pie in niggas faces again. Say something stupid catch this lemon meringue type shit. Who really wants a fjcking pie thrown at them with malice? You know how ass you gotta be for someone to throw a whole dessert pastry at you. Bring it back

I remember reading about a time in history when “cAnCeL cUlTuRe” was people literally burning “witches” at the stake.

Ever hear of a guy named Galileo? He was very nearly “canceled” because he dared to defy the Church by declaring the solar system to be heliocentric, as opposed to being geocentric, the way the Church declared.

Those of us who have served in the Army ABSOLUTELY know of a man named Baron Frederich von Stuben. He was the man who literally introduced Drill and Ceremonies to Washington. How was HE canceled, you ask? He got bootkicked out of Prussia for…checks notes…being an open homosexual.

There are many, MANY other examples.

Cancel culture doesn’t really do much these days. If anything all that happens is that there’s a demographic switch on your fan base.

They forget that dueling used to be legal. You could be so offended you challenged another human to a sword or gunfight.

Don’t even need to go that far back, they use to lynch mother fuckers just for wanting to be treated equally.

They fuckin killed Socrates, man.


It’s wild to think that the punishment options back before prisons were 1) public shaming/beating, 2) permanent banishment, and 3) execution.

Punishment escalated pretty quickly past 1).

Sometimes I really wish they would bring back public shunning.

Conservatives only had a problem with it once others started doing it. They pretend the Dixie Chicks or Kaepernick never happened.

Time is a flat circle.

Then if that won’t good enough. “Devon!!!!…..Get the Stones”

In Rome, ancient/medieval China, and Shogunate Japan, they will literally tell you to kill yourself and you will have to follow that command due to social and political pressures.

You aint even gotta go back far! They been steady trying to cancel shit like Harry Potter, DnD, Mortal Kombat, Doom, so many other books, even fucking Tetris of all things since they’re invented!! Republican pundits are trying to make it so that Cancel Culture is something recent and unique to our generations when it’s in fact as old as time.

I mean when you think about it, Adam and Eve were cancelled by God too. Cancel culture existed since the “first people”

Evolution literally functions by way of cancel culture. If you don’t adapt well to your environment, or changes that alter your environment, Mother Nature nukes your ass. Of all the species to ever live on Earth, 99% are now extinct.

Hell, France Canada and USA exiled a president of a foreign country before canceling was popular. Aristide of Haiti was accused of embezzlement shortly after he announced that he wanted to nationalize some infrastructure and improve schools. He was sent to Africa.

Lenny Bruce was arrested multiple times for his stage act like 50 years ago. There’s almost nothing you can do onstage that would get that treatment today.

They also married their 12 year old cousins back then and used morphine as cold medicine, so maybe historical context isn’t your best argument

The people who deride “cancel culture ” do shit like blowup coolers or mag dump into cases of beer because the company offended their tender sensibilities.

We should treat people who make over 100k a yeat the same way, imo

If we can hear them complaining about being cancelled then they haven’t been cancelled. It’s so fucking stupid. Like getting disagreed with or called out for being a piece of shit online is somehow this horrible offense and cultural issue… If you say some shit online and it gets you fired it’s probably something that if you said it AT WORK it would get you fired too, expecting some level of freedom from consequences when you’re standing on a digital soapbox is fucking wild.

Slaves could just buy their freedom, then became a citizen of the country where they were slaves.



Go on. Git 👉🏼.

People were still getting exiled in the 20th century.

500 bc? lol

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