Thing don’t go really well sometimes

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Youโ€™re allowed to have an opinion, but no one has to like it

Ahh… Just don’t give a fuck…

I shared an opinion (not like a really unhinged political opinion) and everyone tried to prove me wrong (or to tell me I’m not a decent human being) , but that looked like a “nuh-uh, yuh-uh” conversation… You can’t change the thinking of stupid people by telling truth…

Anyway what was yours last time?

their downvotes can’t stop me. i am the one who karma farms

The trick is to not give a shit. Karma is meaningless. Downvote me if you want, it doesn’t do anything.

I have some conservative opinions, and I know that Reddit is a fairly liberal place, but I was on the Texas subreddit and I assumed they would have more conservative opinions because Texas is a conservative state. Someone on that subreddit asked if anyone else wished that the tree finished off Greg Abbot. I said that was a terrible thing to say regardless of political affiliation. I wake up the next morning and have 15 downvotes.

yeah thats reddit alright

individualism is theatening

this is only one common problem the other rimes with powah strip

People downvote over the stupidest shit, though. I’m at the point where I just laugh, shake my head, and move on with my day.

I went through this multiple times, it’s just an opinion guys come on!

I feel a tinge of sadness when I see -22, but for some reason I feel happiness when it gets to -44

Jesus loves you (-100 downvotes)

Oh well, same time tomorrow then

The opinion in question: “I’m just saying that minor attracted should be apart of LGBT and should be encouraged and protected. #loveislove.”

There’s a solution to this- Give the opinion that reddit wants to hear.

This feels great

If itโ€™s something I stand by, bring on the downvotes, Iโ€™m sticking to my guns.

The few times Iโ€™ve deleted a comment getting downvoted to oblivion was because I realized I had my information mixed up.

Likes on here and irl sentiment are not the same thing. Social media is weaponised by bad actors to sway public opinion.

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