Things are so bad the introverts are here 🤣🤣🤣

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“We could have just stayed home eating chips and canceling plans with our friends, but you just had to ruin it”

That’s a great sign

I need a t-shirt with this on permanently.

At this point, I’m not surprised

That is the best fucking sign ever

They came out in force….by the intersection, not making eye contact.

I take it Covid lockdown was the best 4yrs of their lives..

Fuck Tr*mp, indeed.


Alright, now you know shit is pretty fucked up 😭😭

Why are introverts always telling me they’re introverts? I thought they were introverts

Omg so funny hahahahahahahah 

Shoulda just said “Reddit mods are leaving their basements to assemble” that’s the real earth shaker


I know! I went outside. With people! And chanted ‘n shit.

We know redditors are there and that’s why we are here.

Awesome sign !!

Things were so bad during the Biden admin the Amish came out to vote but sure-dime a dozen mentally ill socially awkward democrats left the house today! Woooo

Interesting how many introverts love talking about themselves and seeking attention. 

Stunning and brave.

Maybe you should accept the results of the election, and accept that trump won? That’s democracy.


I wouldn’t be surprised if these introverts were at home watching their favourite movie when Presidential election happened?

Does this sub ever take a day off complaining about Trump and Musk? These people seem obsessed.

What’s bad? Deporting illegals? Exposing massive government fraud and corruption? Seeking to end the Russia Ukraine war rather than prolonged it? Putting America first? Gee, sounds terrible.

It is cringe but glad people are showing up

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