‘Third Term Project’ sticker handed out at CPAC today in DC by ‘Republicans for National Renewal’

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In love with the implication that he’s not competent enough to “finish the job” in the time allotted to every other president

“Finish the job”

Oh, that’s ominous.

Just bring in Obama if they’re allowing 3 terms… then Trump can lose again?

That would look great in my garbage can

Absolute fucking traitors. Now I know how the north felt 150 years ago.

Pissing all over the constitution. 

pretty sure there wont be a country left by then.

If that Orange Fucktwat isn’t able to MAGA in 8 years, he isn’t able to MAGA in 12 years.

Spoiler: Orange Fucktwat will never MAGA, but will only MTRA (Make Trump Rich Again).


They literally hate America 

He wont be alive.

At this point the damage is done. The president probably won’t run for a third term because he is old, feeble, and filled with plague rats. And actually changing the constitution would take more time than he has left.

The problem is that in 2028 they are going to run a successor even more mean-spirited and less stupid who is probably also a lot younger. They will of course win the election through a combination of fraud, voter suppression and their bad, wicked-minded idiot constituents. Then things will continue to get worse until they get bad enough that we have nowhere to go but up or the U.S. becomes the 47th Russian Oblast.

These people are traitors to our country.

>If conservatives become convinced that they can not win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. The will reject democracy.

Consider carefully what you are asking for Republicans. Remember Obama too would be eligible to run again.

That would require an amendment to the constitution which is very high bar to clear. Trump won’t live long enough to see that done.

He’s only 1 month into his term, so they are admitting he wont get anything done.

By 2028 trump will have abolished elections and declared himself Captain America God King of the 53 states

Renewal in the Logan’s Run sense… probably too old of a reference.

its interesting the party that always like, “hey, wait, whats the constitution say about this” and “DON’T TREAD ON ME” are all pro-“not following the document they all swore to protect”.

So 82 is no longer too old too old to be president?

There’s an ammendment in the Constitution that can stop this from happening, and it’s not the 1st, 14th, or 22nd.

Trump is a fascist. His supporters are fascists. Prepare accordingly.

Sleepy Donald Trump can’t even make it through an interview without President Musk’s help. No way he’ll last another 8 years

I would wipe my ass with if I wasn’t concerned about catching some disease from it

Magas should just move to Russia and enjoy the oligarchy they want and leave our constitution alone

Cholesterol: finish the job
Plz k theeenks

Man when I was a kid I remember my parents talking about how Obama was gonna declare a national emergency and stay president forever because he was the anti-christ. 

And man they were scared of an anti-christian fascist state against them. And yet, the conservatives have been actively working towards this since at least the tea party, and even early for the heritage foundation. And I am so stumped that theyre actively achieving it, imagine if the DMC didn’t steal the nomination from the only leftist who was campaigning. 

The liberals aren’t the fascists, but they aren’t not the fascists. 

lol Tiny Fingers Big Mac is not living long enough to see a third term

The convicted felon of 34 criminal charges is a “pathological liar”. The unconditional sentencing has to be executed after his term expires.

They should be arrested for treason.

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