Third World Country

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People from USA would be very upset if they could read.

I recently discovered that Americans have to pay for vaccines, even the ones for infants and I am no longer shocked by how many anti-vaxxers are Americans.

EDIT: For Americans here,

Covered in insurance =/= Free

Subsidized for a particular income group =/= Free

I am sorry for your f’ed up mentality.

As an American I completely agree, this country is a barbaric wasteland of greed and stupidity…I am pretty ashamed to be living in the USA gotta say

is an American kid really more likely to die in a school shooting than in a car accident, or is that just an exaggeration?

I don’t think you understand America. Yes we have no healthcare and bad schools. But that’s because we spent all our money on the best jet fighters and missiles so accurate you have to know the seat of the car the terrorist is sitting in.

3rd world country comes from the cold war:

1st world country = Those allied with the USA

2nd world country = Those allie with the USSR

3rd world = Those allied with neither one.

At that time both the USA and the USSR treated their citizens better as both were scared of the other. And to try and attract 3rd world countries to their side.

With the fall of the USSR 1st world countries started treating their citizens as shit. And hyper capitalism runs unchallenged (except for a certain Healthcare CEO).

It’s been said before but the USA is a circus and everybody else laughs.

America is a third world country with gold veneers.

I hate how neither the original comment nor the reply understand what “third world” actually means and just think it’s where all the poor people live. It’s a tired misconception, not really clever at all.

The USA does not want to be fixed. It is proud of its ignorance.

If you have to scream to everyone how awesome you are, then you’re not awesome.

First world problems in the US suuuuuuck. 
Pop bang dead.

US ranks 55th in life expectancy. Ranks 22nd in HDI.
China has a high speed railway network of whooping 62000 KM while the US is at 735 KM. Even iraq has a bigger HSR under construction and soon will overtake the US. The US is lagging behind in many departments. Not a first world country by any standards. The second world war benefited the US the most and the entire world order was centered around them. In the entire cold war they overthrew more than 30 regimes in CIA funded coups in latin America, middle east and Africa. Invaded most countries in the world.

But now the US empire is under serious threat.Brics will soon finish the dollar. Trumps tariffs are only going to speed up the process

I guess Dubya was right, the WMDs exist in this person’s words.

People here do not know the meaning of

>Third World Country

Mike drop

Brutal but fair.

damn that spicy lil kitty is right gahh damn


Is that a statement or a question?

I wonder how prosperous the US would be if they weren’t carrying US allies on our back militarily. Always stones being thrown from glass houses. Like of course yall can afford healthcare when we are the reason you don’t have to spend a lot on defense.

Woah now, the general consensus is we are stupid and *nice.*

Chinese tourists are the insufferable ones.

Seeing that the Henley Index has ranked the U.S. passport #8 with 27 countries above it, it’s no longer a matter of opinion. It’s a fact.

Whenever I discuss HIC and LMIC I use the USA as an example of how being in a high income area doesn’t always translate to high quality of life.

America bad, you heard it here last

I know this is a joke, and that it’s just classic americabad, but I feel like some people are taking this vaguely seriously. Comparing America to a third world country.

The US’s healthcare is shit, and some of its infrastucture (eg. public transport) is bad. The USA however, is NOT undeveloped, and it is not even comparable to a third world country.

I honestly think people need a reality check, cause I’ve heard this third world country shit a lot, and it’s honestly ridiculous. I think it’s mostly americans saying it, and you all need to know that you live in one of the wealthiest, most powerful nations in the world.

Stop attempting to commiserate in your “squalor” and “lack of infrastructure” with third world countries, because your life experiences are totally unlike in so many ways, and it feels almost patronising to people who actually live in those conditions.

People live without access to food, water, basic medicine and hygiene products.

You have to go into debt for surgery. They just fucking die.

PS. Sry this whole rant was a bit out of pocket, but I’m just sick of people acting like America is one of the worst places in the world to live. It gets a lot lot worse. It is a lot lot worse for so many people, and I feel like the whole sentiment is even more Americentrism, disguised as self-deprecating humour.

This is the second post of this nature i’ve seen today.

Hey, the rest of the civilized countries. How does it feel to have a weaker military and lower GDP than a “third world” country?

Sheltered Reddit teenagers never grew up in a “third world” country and it shows. There’s a reason why so many from third world countries immigrate to the United States everyday. My family back home gets kidnapping threats every single month. Only reason they haven’t been kidnapped is because they pay a bigger gang for protection. The water from the hose in the US is far cleaner than the drinking water back home.

Is it perfect? No. Can it be much better? Of course. Is it anywhere near a third world country? LMAO

holy shit, this is stupid. This is what happens when you doom scroll 24/7.

This isn’t a clever come back as Third World is an anachronism of the Cold War where a Third World country was any country not aligned with the United States Or Soviet Union.

First world: the United States, Western Europe, Japan, Australia, and other aligned countries

Second World, Soviet Union, China, and other aligned countries

Third World: all non-aligned countries.

The uSrich are boycotting their own people and those same people continue voting for the same uSrich, that is Rupert Murdoch’s propaganda for ye.

The funniest thing is that both these people are from Spain 😭😭

The country with 6 out of 10 of the top spots in QS rankings. Man on the moon, the F35 fighter,

If America is third world that that means so is most of the developed world. Such a dumbass post man.

going based off stereotypes i get it but the truth is america is one of the most educated countries in the world and a lot of stuff is overblown

The US is a third world country but with military power. That’s all.

Hey I’d take “third world” (whatever that’s supposed to mean) country which is where I’m from, anytime where I have access to free public health care and education anytime rather than paying 10k USD for a 5 mins ambulance ride and not have it covered by my insurance due to “preexisting conditions”.

USA : we didn’t invent stupidity, we just perfected it

Respect the comeback

Third world is lierally all countries not in Nato or warsaw pact..

Jealous suits him

What’s is clever about that? I’d put this in /suicide bywords.

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