This aerial image of the massive protest in Greece yesterday

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By the way, this was only the crowd in Athens. Other major cities like Thessaloniki had just as many protesters at the same time. They estimate at least 2 million people participated in the protest across the country, which is about 20% of the country’s population. It would be the equivalent of 70 million people protesting in the US.

What were they protesting?

An independent accident report released on Thursday cited a litany of chronic equipment failures and human errors in the Greek railway system that led a northbound passenger train to collide head-on with a southbound freight train in the Tempe gorge in northern Greece, killing 57 people. Also the 57 dead didn’t die from the crash but from an explosion because the train was also transporting chemicals illegally. The government has tried for the last 2 years to make everyone crazy as if nothing happened, mocking the families of the 57 dead, with a minister also famously saying that they are doing all of this to get more money from the compensation. Until now nobody has quit from the government as if nothing happened, the people are calling for Mitsotakis to quit.

I was in Athens for work, I stayed 2weeks last month.
It was my first time there, the people are so welcoming and amazing! They invited me to participate in the manifestation but I couldn’t. I love that country for its people.
Stay strong and efcharisto !

Greek here.

It is a very complicated situation.

This was probably the biggest protest in the country’s history (excluding the protests of 1973 against our CIA-backed dictatorship back then).

The reason was to commemorate the death of 57 people that died when two trains collided in Tempi region.

While one could say “well it was an accident why do you protest? “, there are a number of facts that give context

1) our railways were sold out as part of our bailout programme. Since then there have been zero investment in infrastructure and safety.

2) months before the accident the Union of training drivers and workers have been warning that an accident was imminent due to lack in safety infrastructure.

3) after the incident, the government tried a massive cover-up operation, destroying crucial evidence on the site, CCTV footage etc. . It was apparent from the first few months that they were trying to hide something.

4) evidence has arisen, that prove that there was some illegal cargo on board, that was very flammable and explosive. The government tried to disregard those as “conspiracy theories”, but the evidence is there.

5) there is an element of huge discontent with the current government. They have been one of the most corrupt and incompetent governments I have experienced in my life time. And the worst thing is that the opposition is so fragmented that there is no realistic candidate to take over. People wanted to just express their frustration over the situation

Look Democrats! This is how you protest!
Now MOVE!!!

Being one of first to witness

The BBC would call that a few hundred protesters

beside the protest there was also a MASSIVE general strike

Meanwhile Americans : Please dont hate us, we didnt vote for the 4th reich๐Ÿคก๐Ÿคก

Dear Americans,

now its your turn.

It’s great that they are trying to make things better. Hope this doesn’t just get ignored by the people in power

meanwhile, there are a few hundred americans protesting against the rise of fascism…

Lol those are rookie numbers ๐Ÿ˜‚ take a look at protests in Serbia. Today is a big one in Nish (Niลก)

Trying to get through the city was crazy difficult for sure.

You need ant powder for that. ๐Ÿ™‚

What are they protesting. The Trojan war?

Hm mhm. Yep. Corruption and special treatment, not to mention frivolous arrest against the political adversary. The Americans have had enough of the fraud and corruption, I’m sure the rest of the world is tired of it too. THE US has just handed out money like candy for the last 50 years. The American tax payers money. And we are sick and tired of this nonsense that we spend money on everyone else. When Americans themselves need help. We have record high crime. Poisonous drugs everywhere that will kill anyone that touches it. A baby that lives across the street from me went to the emergency room after ingesting a fentanyl pill. I hope Greece fixes its problem. The US has given Greece over 40 billion dollars over the last 40 years. I hope they saved some instead of just handing it out to the already powerful people in the government. Because thats what most countries have been doing with our tax dollars. Your leaders have not been helping their people. The citizens of Greece. For the most part they just pocketed your money. Good luck Greece. Youre gonna need it.

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