This amazing guy

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I wonder if we could make an online mentorship community.

Humans are beautiful.

That guy taught me how to shave!

Could have used this growing up. I’m probably older than this guy now.

Is there an equivalent for this for girls and moms?

Thanks! Just followed him.

That’s great. Is anyone aware if he created a video on how to topple the government?

That’s awesome. I born deaf and my dad grew up fixing everything on his own with no father. He passed when my dad was baby. With his cousin and my dad. They would change engine on bug car every weekend to race. For school, they would put bug engine back in to save gas 😂 anyway. His cousin grew up becoming one of best race car engines builders in our local. Worked for few that actually went on becoming nascar race driver.. My dad always pull me and show me how to fix. Build or whatever. Whatever broken in house. Car or anything. He always make me watch and help fix. I used to think why? It’s boring. I want play video games. Anyway. Older i got. Ah.. i understand now.. i own 1963 Chevy c10 short fleetside bed with high performance engine. Yeah. I love my dad so much. He taught me everything I need to learn. He once said “world isn’t easy and it’s going be very hard for you. And i want you to be prepared for it.”

Im 41 and i have no kids. I really want have kids so i can pass my knowledge to my kids. But dont think it’ll happen so i try pass it to anyone i know.

Seeing this post for not the first time, yet still I wish this man all the best.

The type of people this world needs.

Chad dad

Top dad!

imagine you (male) walk in on your kid watching this guy

He taught me to tie a neck tie

That guy thought me how to human traffic

Useful channel 👍

Go, follow this incredible humans chanel!

He is so pure and wholesome; he is a terrific example of being a decent person.

Nice 👍🏻

This guy is the hero we need

I would cry if I could

I probably am inside

Oh yeah this guy is sick. Pretty sure he blew up on Reddit or something and he’s been doing it every since. Really good shit for people like me who have no one to help them and also need to keep their house in order.

weird, you can find the same tutorials on YouTube without the parenting issues

This is wholesome as fuck, give the man a hug and a million dollars.

If you don’t wanna YouTube, I gotchoo.
I got this big ass dad beard and I love trans kids. I’ll keep your secrets and won’t judge unless you tell me you’re in immediate danger or someone else is. By law I have to involve someone else b/c of my job, but I won’t leave.

People need father figures?

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