This beer served by the new bartender

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A beer returned to the new bartender

Send it back

When I was 16 I got my first job at a veterinary office. After a couple of months we all went to eat dinner at a pizza place. My bosses had a pitcher of beer at the table. One of the doctors asked me to pour him a beer. It looked like this pic and he got mad at me saying I should know how to pour a beer. I told him I was a 16 year old Mormon, I have no idea how to pour a beer.


There’s beer here somewhere

His jaw must be really sore from giving so much head.

Extra foam, hold the beer.

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Ask for a Flake !!

so you took that beer, from the new bartender, sat your ass down and complained on reddit?

the glass is filthy too

It’s getting sent back if it were me. With the cost of everything and the tip culture demands, I’m getting exactly what I paid for. Your feelings and my kindness by not telling you you’ve messed up are no longer in play. Give me what I paid for and what you’re demanding a tip for lest you blast me on social media. Thanks.

Clearly he thought you wanted a milk pour.

You ordered a milko right?



It’s your fault if you walk away with that and pay money

you clearly accepted it since you’ve drank from it and it’s on your table. What fool wouldn’t say something and instead post on here

I chuckled. You should’ve sent it back the minute you laid eyes on it.

Jesus Christ, that beer has rabies

Nuh uh

If Monday was a beer


I bartended for 8 yrs. Just tell her she might have air in the co2 line or the keg might be up for a change. Just be polite, please.

I thought it was a glass of milk when I was scrolling down on my phone

That’s actually a beautiful Snyt pour.

You’re going to ask for the other half of your beer, right?

Not only a terrible pour, but that glass is dirty. You shouldn’t see bubbles clinging to the sides.

Let me shame this new employee online because my luxury purchase isn’t perfect. You, op, are a wanker.

Glass is dirty too

It’s horrible but you should have immediately refused that and sent it back, you’ve clearly had a swig there

Just send it back. It’s really not that big a deal.

And you paid for it? Sorry bud, that’s on you.

Beer with dish soap 😂


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“i just gave that guy head”

I’m a savings guru. Here are the dumbest things people keep spending too much money on: this full glass of beer.

Foam beer

That’s a repour

Have some beer with your foam

Im mad now

Bartender probably expected a 44% tip too.

Was it free?

That’s called a “Headache” …

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