This belongs here too

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Exploiting every loophole, dodging every obstacle. They’re penetrating the bureaucracy!

I’ve been hearing more and more stories from family and friends about their doctors telling them tricks like these to get around insurance company shenanigans. Getting fucked by these corporations is probably the thing most Americans can relate to regardless of make or beliefs.

And they wonder why a healthcare insurance CEO’s murder is celebrated.

Absolutely asinine that this is the state of things.

They will just ignore you. Or say they’re sending the information and they never will. I went through this with dentaquest after I found out somone either at dentaquest or my dentist was filling false claims (which I eventually needed work done on those teeth and they ofc denied). Fucking scum, every single cog in that machine.

i use a similar approach. now and then i have to do a “peer to peer” with another doc, one who works for the insurance company and stands between my patient and necessary tests.

i always end the conversation asking if they have a license in my state, what their board certification is in, and if their boards are current.

this almost always results in an approval. nobody wants to be potentially investigated for practicing without a license in another state, and if they’re a pediatrician reviewing an elderly heart failure case, their peds boards can be taken into question. haven’t had to go beyond a phone call with this approach. it’ll happen someday, just waiting for when.

I’m in the uk so have never had to deal with this, but I’ve heard that if a hospital gives you the bill, you then ask for an itemised bill, that often the price goes down. Has anyone experienced that? Or worse, had an increase in the price?

I’ve just heard of another hack for dealing with denied claims, actually.


Or have universal healthcare

Having worked in the legal medical malpractice field for a while, this sound like a fairly sound approach. If nothing else, what you’re doing is scaring the insurance companies into thinking you might end up successfully suing their providers for breaching the “standard of care.” That’s the operative phrase in litigating a med mal case. And those questions cut to the heart of an insurance provider/medical practitioner following the standards that should be reasonably required of them in whatever state the medical service is being provided in.

I know someone who got out of a speeding ticket by asking in court for the records that the police properly calibrate their radar gun, which of course the police never do.

Bullies never expect people to require them to produce the proper paperwork.

Well that sucks

Cant you just mention the 3 Ds and have them then freak out?

This fact that this guide exists is depressing.

Recently, another possible course of action was discovered. You’ve probably seen a lot about it on the news.

Careful. This post might get flagged for terrorism.

Dear u/dinosaur-chicken,
If you screenshot something, please tap again so your UI is off the screen. Or just download the image. Thank you and good night.

Or you can threaten them, get arrested, sent to jail. Now you have medical coverage.

I appreciate this post its much needed in these times, also I gotta speak heart….. anybody got any OTHER ideas?😶😶😶😶 cuz im all ears….. 😉 you’d be my HERO 😉 you’d deserve a hefty collective DONATION!


The sad part is that black women have been sharing this for years. Primarily giving birth as they have and will continue to be the most as risk for death during child birth(crazy in 2025 rite) If you’ve been fortunate enough to know another black woman who can put you on, you may end up saving your own life. Why do you think dr were manipulating Covid deaths? They would say they gave you all these treatments I.e. 2 weeks on a ventilator, only for you to obviously die.
1 million per billing. 10% return still bring you 100k. Make an imaginary cut of 10% again brings you to 10k. And then run that gamut 10 times in a month brings you in 100k for the month. Covid was over a year. So put it 16months to total 1.6 Mil and I’m undercutting numbers big time. You paid off anything and everything you’ve ever walked by. Defend Deny Depose is their game. Vigilantism our game. There’s no coming back from death and that’s why it’s so powerful. I’m not here to condone violence, just here to say, you can’t rebuttal if you’re dead……

Any tips on if I had a sleep study scheduled (and have had a sleep study in the past) and was deemed recently that it was not medically necessary (when my doctor believes I have sleep apnea or another sleeping condition)? Asking for a friend.

Good things to try, but finishing medical school and an intern year of residency gets you a license to practice all medicine and surgery.

“We are not required to provide you with these information. Have a good day.”

Look, I detest insurance companies, and a large part of my job is contesting their decisions (or overseeing those who do so). But a lot of the posts I see about denials are full of misinformation. Your initial denial is usually a basic checklist – do you meet criteria or not? But if you appeal, it’s going to be reviewed by a physician board-certified in the specific specialty.



” if the insurance company answers them honestly, then you have evidence…”

This is gold

I hope anyone having claim issues bombards these insurance companies with this list of questions!!!

medical bill advice lifehack denied claim saved comment

yeah. im keeping a copy of this…


I need this but hope I don’t have to use this

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