This blue Lobster was caught off the coast of Portland and returned to the water to continue to grow. Blue lobsters are one in two million.

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I Lived overseas as a kid, while in Indonesia my dad bought 2 bright blue lobsters like this, the tails were the size of his forearm and he was a big man, the whole things were very large, first and only time I have ever seen any in person or any lobster that big, tho I was a kid but even my dad was amazed at the size

Odds seem to keep improving if the other 2 million don’t get thrown back.

I love to drink Gatorade…

last known periwinkle lobster was spotted off coast of Mexico in 1915, this could be a relative

I am one in a krillion.

Could you breed these, to increase their population?

Every time someone posts this they get rarer and rarer…


Who counted one in a million?

Ahh…the rare blue raspberry gummy lobster. Only found in artsy fartsy candy stores in Maine

Thank you greg

Are they edible? Do they taste like red lobster?

Whoa. TIL

One in two million and still got rejected. Tough world.

Protect it!

Oh wow, I’ve heard about this before. Didn’t know it was such a gorgeous shade of blue, though.

One in two krillion

But not as rare as the rock lobster which is only one in five million

I wonder what they taste like…

Did you ask why so sad?

This is lobster racism

it’s a pepsi lobster.

I think my sea life collection of plushies needs a blue lobster. The color is beautiful.

Bro’s out here catching real life shiny pokemon

As rare as they are, I feel like I’ve seen a lot of blue lobsters on Reddit and not from reposts.

I think I’m starting to understand how many fucking lobsters are caught.

If they are one in two million, I sure do seem to see them fairly often. At least 1 a week through various sources.

Yet the number of blue lobster posts I see on Reddit really makes you think about how many we’re catching…

Thanks for showing my friend.

lobster math, every time

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