This bridge is round for no apparent reason

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Where do you think the missiles launch from?

Edit: *Think

When they allocated a lot more money for construction than they needed


Traffic control?

I mean, like, it looks pretty cool. Aesthetics is a reason, right?

Interesting way to separate traffic on one side in the same direction with some added time to appreciate nature. Lovely indeed !

“Ok guys, we are way under budget and we also look to finish too early, any ideas?”

“Let’s go around the circle and see what we can come up with.”

Stronger design, more wind resistant

Reduces speed

Cause it looks fucking cool IS a valid reason

Fancy roundabout

It’s an intersection, so they’ve built a roundabout.

Nevermind that it’s an intersection of a road and a river.

Only reason I need is that it’s Cool fuck!!

I think this is in Uruguay but it’s so you can catch the scenic views


Worth seeing if I ever get the chance 😊

#1 more scenic views
#2 less chance of a wrong way collision

When you sneeze while building a road on City Skylines

There must be some really bad juju in the middle of that circle.

I mean it looks cool

I would not call being super cool looking from above no apparent reason, it’s a weird flex, but..ok

“no reason”? its cool. thats a good reason 🙂

That’s where the reptilian aliens enter their subterranean base with their flying saucers. That is the only explanation that makes sense.

A Vortex to Hollow Earth.


Usually design will centre around stability, weight distribution or to compensate for foundational material it’s built on.

They had already put up the road signs on the other side with set mile markers.

It’s for when you just want to drive around.

no apparent *functional reason. aesthetics is a reason—and a damn good one. the bridge looks dope as hell.

I’ve got a reason, it looks fucking cool!

“Drive smoothly to use less fuel, also brake and accelerate for no reason because of a cool looking bridge.”

Stops people speeding at that bend.

Stops people speeding at that bend I assume

Probably had a problem with speeding. Solution is slow down or die

Has no one seen the “The Thunderbirds”

Want to take a trip around the river?

They should put a monument in the middle.

It’s circumventing and overcoming in parallel


There’s a secret base under there and they launch spaceships through it when no one is looking.

I think it has a reason; there are corals in the way but it’s entirely possible that I got that information from yt shorts…

Edit: who would have thought that that’s bs

It’s “to force drivers to slow down for pedestrians” but I think someone had too much fun

Ah fellow Windows desktop wallpaper dudes

Must have stayed at a Holiday Inn.

Could it be that the bed rock under the water in between wasn’t stable enough for support structures ?

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