This can’t be legal

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How about not using The Sun at all?

Option 3: use a better news source than the Sun.

You don’t read The Sun.


Fuck the s*n

Option 3: stare directly at it for as long as possible. Whoever does it longest wins.

LPT: If you want to access a website that does this then use incognito mode (or your browser’s equivalent). You can accept all the cookies you want because they’ll be deleted when you close the browser.

If you’re more tech-savvy there are browser extensions that let you fuck with the data they get back. Have fun setting up those IE6 compatible polyfills you nosy bastards.

Who reads The Sun anyway?

I’ve had this on so many sites recently and it’s really pissing me off. I get you don’t *have* to look at their website. However, I don’t see it as consent if you’re forced to either pay or give up your data.

This makes the decision making process that much easier. Pay to reject cookies? Get utterly beyond fucked.

Eat the cookies


Yes, it’s illegal in the EU. Sorry mate.

U mean the Scum?

Never going to use their news service again how about that

Looking at the Sun will make you blind

Easy don’t use The Sun

What? As for someone who uses the Internet, I have never come across having to pay to reject cookies.

It’s not illegal, just don’t use them.

Or I could never visit their website.

Why would you want to read that? Are you stupid?

Liverpool says fu** the sun newspaper


Very easy solution here. DON’T READ THE SUN!

It’s legal, and why would you want to use the sun as source

Of course it no one is forcing you to read the sun and they aren’t obliged to give you content for free

If you’re going to look at filth online, use private browsing, then close the browser when you’re done.

Fuck the s*n

click “X” in the top right hand corner

Just don’t read the Sun

on what basis?

Why put yourself in this situation? Just no Sun.

Or just not use the Sun.

Stop reading the sun. It’s not even worth it if it’s free.

There is a third option. Close the page and feel better about life in general.

PAY to see fucking ads??????????? Lololol

The reason it’s legal is you are not required to use their product

Option 3: Accept but use Firefox cookie isolation.

At least it’s not pay-walled outright. Seems upfront. You can pay to use this service without ads or you can use this service for free but we are gonna collect whatever info we can get from you. Don’t use the service

Probably is in Canada where we don’t require consent for cookies

There’s a 3rd option

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