This comparison between LeBron and MJ is interesting

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Anything jordan vs bron gonna have peoples typing before they read

It’s more so a difference in their play style. Lebron, as we know, is more of a playmaker than Jordan was in the passing sense. MJ, on the other hand, was out there to put the ball in the basket. While MJ did have more games with more shooting, Lebron has also played more games. Still insanely impressive!

Tbf despite shooting alot MJ was still pretty efficient, honestly the fact hes was so efficient despite shooting so much (especially long 2s) is pretty impressive.

In games he took 25 or more shots he had a 50.1 fg%.

In games he took 30 or more shots he had a 49.4 fg%.

In games he took 35 or more shots he had a 47.7 fg%.

Overall MJ and Lebron just played very differently, Lebron took more games to do it but shot the ball far less.

I feel sports science and age has something to do with this 🙄

Jordan: 1072 total games

Lebron: 1540 total games

3 pointers are a helluva drug 

This is the most ridiculous stat comparison I’ve seen.

Wake me up **when** we have another Jordan. There will be no debate when we **actually have** another GOAT.

This graphic would suggest one is much more efficient than the other, except their FG% is virtually identical. The logical explanation is the evolution of the 3 pointer

Wild that a guy who played 13 seasons and two with the wizards after he was old has his numbers.

Its gotten to the point where people who think jordan is the goat will always have him number 1 and the people who think my pookiebear king lebron james is the goat will never change their mind.

Jordan still the goat

LeBron has attempted 6500 more threes over his career than MJ did. He had MADE 2000 more threes over his career than MJ did so of course he will have the edge in scoring efficiency.

All this means is the game evolved during LeBron’s era. Hard to compare when the game was played differently. You’re crazy if you don’t think Jordan would have shot a tonne of threes as well if he played in the modern era.

The bulls won because mj shot so many shots.

Jordan was in the league for 15 seasons. Bron is on season 22. Of course he is going to pass everyone for records around totals.

Theres only 1 way to debate whos greater. You have to pick something that the other player was great at and did exceptionally, then compare the other to it.

Now compare how many games it took them to do it…

I dont think the importance of jordan can be displayed with just on court stats.

To this day, decades after his retirement, people actually discuss if he is the GOAT athlete, not just basketball player.

How many years did it take Lebron?

How many scoring titles they have tho

How many games did it take vs MJ? Cause that is the stat that matters here.

How many years more did it take born to catch JORDAN……MJ still da goat..

Shhhh…..Jordan GOAT!

No it isn’t. If you were around during MJ you would know that he dominated and as long as he was playing other teams in the league had no chance.

How many games did it take each of them?

Nah it’s not. #Jordan played 75% less games compared to LeBron 30yr career lol! That’s a joke! #Jordan23 allday! Lol!

LeBron needed 500 more games AND more 3 pointers to reach that stat.

So yeah….

As a HUGE Cavs fan — 11 out of 10 times, I am picking MJ over Bron.

MJ, with current medicine/healthcare, plus family factors aside, and plays for the length Bron does? It’s not even fucking close.

MJ over Bron every day that ends in Y

22 years later…….Jordan the 🐐

Michael Jordan will always and forever be the GOAT! End of discussion.

I always think people under value how hard it even is to get off a quality shot in the NBA. Especially during Jordan’s era, the fact that he has more field goal attempts should not be a sleight on him.

Cherry-picked stats to sell a narrative. There’s a huge difference in the number of games played. It’ll also be interesting to see how many of those 25pt FG attempts translated to just a 30 pt game and not a 40/50 pt game

This is a silly comparison. 25+ FGA don’t translate to 30 point games.

Look at 40 point games and 50 point games.

this might be the dumbest shit i’ve ever seen and it was posted by some circus motherfucker named bronworld.

Its almost as if they played in completely different eras and had completely different styles of play…

Took the man like a decade longer FOH.

One of my favorite things about GOAT debates is insanely cherry picked stats.

500 more games played


Data dredging.

How many more games

How about rings tho 😂

Wow. LeBron did it in only twice as many games!

Only took him 451 more games

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