This country is fucking cooked man

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This will surely make everyone forget the promise to bring down the price of eggs!


But theyโ€™ll let hundreds of women die due to pregnancy complications. This country is a joke.

Them egg prices are going to be so low when the republicans finally kill civil rights. ย 

yeah the focus is really on the right things hereโ€ฆ amazing stuff from the government. fml. ๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™‚๏ธ

The senate will not likely pass it. Still, without any way of enforcing the rules it opens up all sorts of opportunities for abuse.

Florida already tried to track student athletes menstrual cyclesโ€ฆ whatโ€™s next a genital check by referees?

In a world with more and more concerns over privacy and data this bill is poorly done and only a trigger issue. Itโ€™s a farce.

The sooner Republican voters realize that these culture wars are simply a distraction so that the politicians can rob them blind, the better off weโ€™ll all be.

The GOP: proudly solving problems that arenโ€™t actually problems. Youโ€™re welcome America!

Girls as young as four years old, being subjected to invasive lines of questioning about their bodies, and even physical inspections by an adult stranger, a predator, all because some creep accuses them of not being a girl

How could that possibly be bad? Just empowering predators.

Yep. The GOP is going to dismantle us completely.

Never allow these assholes to pretend theyโ€™re โ€œsmall government conservativesโ€.

1. Create law that forbids trans girls from participating in sports

2. โ€œAccuseโ€ girls of being trans if they are too strong, too good at sports, too hairy, too fast, or too nonconformist

3. cisgender girls to either submit to invasive genital testing to prove they are not trans, or they quit sports altogether

4. America is saved (???)

Gotta love how the anti-regulation crowd loves to put stupid regulations in place.

how does this lower the price of eggs?

Yay, all our real problems have been solved apparently, weird, I would have thought I would have heard something about the national debt, homelessness, cost of living, and healthcare all being resolved

This country is circling the drain. I personally blame Alex Jones and the shit corners of the internet. Ugh.

Bigots and morons run the country now. I’m cutting up my “fucks to give” card.


Can trans men still compete? Why just women?

I have been really worried about this. Itโ€™s been keeping me up nights. Now on to the price of eggs. /s #ihatethesefuckers

How does this bring my price of groceries down?

More women died due to preventable complications from pregnancy last year than there are trans athletes in collegiate sports.

Absolutely ridiculous to focus on this. Especially when trans women are not even particularly dominant in their sport statistically. Riley Gaines loves to tell you she got beat by a trans woman, but doesnโ€™t mention as often that she finished behind multiple biological women as well.

they’re trying to pick on the vulnerable, they will start at what they see at the bottom and work their way up until they’re eating each other

I know people get testy because unless it comes from the munich area of germany it’s sparkling authoritarianism not fascism, but they’re on the “first they came for the…” part of the poem everybody half remembers

So apparently if you check the data the Trump campaign spent $129 per trans person on campaigning against them with targeted ads. Think about just how fucked that is. Instead of helping people/doing nothing and spending $0 they instead spent $129 per trans person to run anti trans ads. That blew my mind.

I support Trans in Palestine


Anti-lgbtq is a nazi ideology.

Republicans hold Nazi Germany as a shining example.

Thank the lord; I can finally come out of my nuclear shelter.

Our priorities are straighter than MAGA loyalists

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