This dude just got aborted…

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The father had a very rough night of sleeping on the couch. Please give him thoughts and prayers at this time. /s

Nobody can be THIS stupid. I refuse to believe this isn’t a shitpost of some sort. Your hatred for women cannot exceed basic common sense.

This is 100% rage bait. 

I swear, some people must actually have humiliation fetishes, but don’t want to or can’t afford a professional dom, so they get the internet to beat on them for free. Or… they’re just stupid and perpetually speak without thinking.

It’s hard to tell if this is rage bait because I have met a real-life human man who thought this way. He was constantly annoyed that everyone congratulated his wife and fawned over her belly. He had a whole tantrum over the baby shower because he wasn’t center stage. There are real males out there who think, feel, and talk this way. It’s really just a selfish “look at me” kinda thing. These men are also, nearly always, the kind that won’t so much as change a diaper. What they want is the accolades of parenthood without the risk and responsibilities that largely fall on women.

Father is sitting sipping coffee either outside or in the room. Though some like him may be sitting at a bar with the “boys”.

My sons father had a nap during the birth of my son. Must’ve been hard for him.

Not soon enough

“Usually”, this word was chosen specifically. It’s a warning for any potential dads who think it would be funny to point out that child birth isn’t actually as painful as man flu or a paper cut.

I have heard stories about women breaking the father’s hand squeezing it so hard so it’d be funny to say “The mother and baby are doing fine, Dad, however, is two rooms over getting his bones set.”

DOGE incel behavior

Most fathers don’t push a 6lb + baby out of their vaginas after their cervix has been dilating for hours.

Thats gotta be casting bait…

Mother and baby are doing fine. Father will never recover.

That chair is uncomfortable, but that’s about it.

There’s an old, old joke about a doctor who delivered babies. If the father asked “how’s the baby?” he’d charge $75. If the father asked “how’s my wife?” he’d charge $50.

It’s only funny if you say “mom and baby are both fine. Dad is struggling with [fill in the blank].” Or “mom and baby are healthy… Dad is also healthy.”

Child gets born and the father just g-mod rag dolls

I feel like this guy has the biggest chance of dying in childbirth if he talks to his woman like that while she’s pushing!

Fear not. This person will never get within 500 feet of a woman, let alone become a father.

The reasoning skills of the kind of people that cry “White lives matter!”

When my daughter was born the least of my concerns was “I hope people care that I’m ok” irregardless of the situation.

Hell I don’t know any self respecting dad that would ever put himself in a situation before his partner/child.

Jesus lmao women can’t have any amount of attention without some whiney man trying to bring the attention back to him. Not even child birth…🙄

These ppl should be embarrassed by how self absorbed they are.

Actually, I about killed my husband during our child’s birth!!

“…unfortunately the father died due to tobacco-poisoning, smoking too many cigars.”

Gotta just be rage bait

did a praying mantis post this??

It’s just a troll

It all started the day I was born, my parents didn’t show up! – Doofenshmirtz.

Father’s only die if they have a poorly timed comment while within strangling distance.

Not many come back from a milk run.

I wouldn’t want him as my accountant.

Mother and baby are doing fine…Father is butthurt over not being the center of attention

Ngl this was something that sat heavy on my mind for the last few months of my fiances pregnancy. I was absolutely terrified I would lose her during childbirth. Even had nightmares about it. After every was said and done and the nurses said she would be okay, I broke down and cried. I counted my blessings.

My entire role during the birth of both my kids was to be a punching bag while telling her she was doing great.

I fucking despise all these “pro birth” assholes. I call them “pro birth” because they are not “pro life”. Not even in the slightest. They are hypocrites who only care about forcing their bullshit onto scared women, regardless of what the issue is

Fucking pieces of shit

Except there’s this one joke where they invented a machine that would transfer the pain during childbirth to the father. But they could only transfer about 30% because more would him. So they tried this on a couple and no matter how high they went the husband didn’t feel any pain, so they went full 100% and his wife had a pain free birth.

Well, when he went home later that day, he found the mailman dead in front of his house.

Or something like that…

Anyway, it can still be dangerous for men… Allegedly my mum broke a finger of my father when he was holding her hand. It was so devastating that he could help at home for months. Not that he helped much before, but now he had an excuse.
Source: my mother, my then 6 year old big sister and his mother.

Oh yea, i forgot. When a woman gives birth, the father also squeezes a basketball out of his cock. We should check on him too.

Father’s who keep their mouths shut at least.

These incels are fucking jealous of women.

Contrary, it could if the kid looks like the plumber.

Surely it was a joke. Right? Like I feel like I would say that exact thing as a joke.

“don’t usually die” that implies there’s a chance of it happening. So where’s the announcement of men being ok

Unless we get nagged to death amirite fellas /s

Incoming people who say that “the fact that mothers can only give birth is woke stuff”

What sucks about it is, a lot of dads do pass out from stress and worrying about the mom and should be checked on.

Obviously, that’s not to the same extent as the poor woman undergoing the pain equivalent to breaking half of the bones in your body (not to mention 9 months of carrying a whole other person inside them) but dipshits like that guy will say the dumbest shit and diminish men’s emotions and struggles (not that I think Equivocator ever actually cared about that, he just wants a Whataboutism)

I bet if you gave the mother a gun during childbirth there’d be less fathers doing alright after. That’s why father’s aren’t allowed in the delivery room in the states, we all have guns on us at all times and a lot of American men die each year witnessing the birth of their children at home.

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