This fucking sucks.

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Tales from the working class dystopia repackaged as feel good stories

Sorry for my English, but wtf is school lunch debt? How on earth is this possible at all?

The original post is so old that the kids are seniors in high school now.

American heart warming stories like this, like a community raising funds for a wheelchair or prosthetic limb, THESE ARE NOT NORMAL IN A DEVELOPED COUNTRY!

“When I give food to the poor, they call me a saint. When I ask why the poor have no food, they call me a communist.”
― Dom Helder Camara

Someone, somewhere, is trying to figure out how much the school budget can be reduced because of this.

Because that’s how greed works.

“Plucky woman denied medical care by her insurance company heals herself!” (Yay!)

Yet again we are being asked to celebrate the sacrifices made to pause the orphan crushing machine for a day instead of asking why we need to operate the machine that crushes orphans, or even have one in the first place

can’t have kids get spoiled with such things as lunch, right?

like wtf! how is this shit even a thing to begin with? how does this get approved without causing a huge uproar?

This isn’t some heartwarming story, this is an example of us living in a dystopia

This is State run media indoctrination normalizing kids paying for the entire classes lunch .


* selfish republicans

Got my ged because I hadn’t been able to pay lunch since middle school n couldn’t graduate on time anyways having to work. I wasn’t wasting my money on that shit when the school would pay for a ged instead.

What!?? “Lunch debt”? You people are… You really have it hard there 😀

You guys have paid school lunches?
Never had that growing up in Canada – we just brought a lunch from home

I call reposting this tomorrow.

The worst part is it was only $75.

Come to Michigan, we are on our second year now of free breakfast and lunch for all students.

Maybe we should let kids run the world

This is an ancient meme, as far as memes go.

That boy is a good human being.

The adults at the school district are not good human beings.

Makes you wonder.. if a 9 year old fixed the problem.. by himself, what are we paying the experts for?

There is literally nothing good happening in the world right now. Prove me wrong.

Reminds me a high school in Joliet refusing to verify high school diploma for someone who was 17 when he graduated because his parents owed money to the school for library books or lunches or something. he was 17 when he graduated and this was over 10 years later. The school told me over the phone that he had graduated but refused to officially say it in writing. I didn’t tell them but I counted that as a verification and hired him. Fucking ridiculous.

The feel good part is that the kid actually did something about a problem that bothered him.

Redditors will never do anything.

West Park Elementary School in Napa CA. nestled among multimillion dollar homes. He paid the debt of rich kids who didn’t want to eat the crap their parents made for their lunch

Every adult in that school district should be ashamed of themselves.

I despise what America has become.

*Selfish Republicans claiming to be Christian

Give him credit. He saw an issue and took action. Yes, the adults should have solved it, but we have Republicans that hate people. Bravo to this young man. This seems like an old story though.

I guess little kids don’t give AF as the adults are crying about socialism!

I’d like to know how much this kid was making for an allowance? Definitely a lot more than I ever made when I was 9!

Here’s an idea – you pay for your own kid’s lunch! Why should I have to pay for your kid’s lunch? What’s next, you want me to come to your place and make dinner for you and your kid too?

Unless Melissa wants to pay for their lunches she should keep her mouth shut,

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