This gets points for creativity

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It seems like the first part of the tweet is aimed at eliminating slut shaming, but the final part of the tweet calls people whores if they don’t charge for sex.

I can’t fully grasp the underlying sentiment here.


Wait, you guys are having sex?

Isn’t sex work also pretty dangerous?

Just comes off super insecure to me

Ooooh good burn

Most women in modern days actually use their brains and not their body to make a living. Just because you didn’t like school and actual learning something don’t mean everyone else is doing wrong.
And for me sex is a personal and intimate thing and i get love, intimacy and bonding from that. Everything is not about profit. Get a life…..

A real degenerated thought of thinking and living.

Nah, she’s just bitter other girls aren’t whoring😏

L take

if sex workers didn’t feel ashamed of what they do, they wouldn’t be on such constant cope about it 24/7


funny pun. But this is a a very obvious cope. Being in a loving relationship with a partner you chose is not being a whore. Selling your body for sex is being a whore, since that literally is the definition of prostitution.

Many women have actual jobs and don’t need to use their bodies for profit and can afford to have sex with the one they WANT for free

Or, and this might be crazy, don’t fuck?

Like, it seems crazy to me to hate on people who aren’t sleeping around with everyone? What’s wrong with that?

Whore cope is so fucking fun to watch

So, monetization is the root of love? Atomizing relationships let’s goooooooo

Women who actually have real skills are better. No one wants a serious relationship with a whore.

I don’t do any of those things I just care about God’s opinion of me that’s all that matters to me

I honestly don’t get it. What about the people like myself who dislike hookup culture and sleeping around? You do you. If you wanna do that fine, your body your choice. But don’t rope me into something I genuinely dislike.

There are women out there *gasp* who don’t like sleeping with half the town. I mean I don’t get it. If you wanna feel empowered by sleeping around you do you. If you wanna go make money off it, go ahead. Your body your Choice.

But don’t insult people who don’t. Seriously thats fucked. Isn’t female empowerment all about us Women having a choice to do as we please with ourselves. And deciding not to something is a choice aswell.

She had plenty of time to cum up with that while she was on her back

Perhaps the real moral of the story is to keep your private parts private….

“Fuck for free” as if the only purpose of sex was either pleasure for the guy or money for the girl

Yeah, but nobody likes a Capitalist C*nt.

Too big & too greedy.

Can we just go back to strippers? What’s wrong with strippers? My cousin was a stripper in the 00s. She got to make money without touchin any men. And now she’s old and she’s moved on with NO internet history of her ho days lol. OF ladies really think they winning by being e-hookers

The comments of posts like these are always a struggle between simps and chuds. The chud hates hoes because they live in the medieval age, the simp loves them because it’s the best chance they have at touching a woman.

That’s class

Sounds like projection tbh.

This bint gets called stupid every single day. 

It’s sad when someone has been abused to the point where they literally can’t understand that not all relationships are transactional. She seems very insecure.

Sex is far from free. It’s built on a flourishing relationship and mountains of trust. Fuck off.

Ehh… If you’re treating sex as a transaction, you’ve already lost (whether it’s a monetary one or not).

If you both don’t want it for what it is or what it does, you probably shouldn’t be having it, whether you’re a guy, a gal, or something else.

That’s something everyone in this thread seems to need to learn from the comments.

I don‘t think she knows what sex working means

what an idiot

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