This giant Maine Coon I got to hold at work today. He is super sweet! The best boy! I have permission from his owner to share.

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Is he named Falcor?

He should be.


That’s a dog

That’s a gosh darn lynx!

Absolutely gorgeous.

Wow! Do you know how much he weighs? He’d keep you warm inn the winter 😍

My cat weighs like 8 pounds but is nearly impossible to get into his crate to go see the vet. This thing is going to be the one who decides if he goes to the vet, not me.

r/girlswithhugepussies for those brave enough

Just a big baby kitty. I bet he could get those greebles.

I met several Maine Coons as a tech, but this bubby is something else 🙂

How do we know that you’re not just slightly bigger than a house cat?

That’s a small lion bro

How large is the poop

😭🥺 is he doing biscuits while being held…. that is an absolute baby right there. I wanna hang out with a giant cat aaahh

I want one!

That’s a full moon wolf ma’am.

My friend had one that was 28lbs and also super sweet and friendly.

Its always great seeing Ron Perlman out in public

just a little baby!

Ma’am, that’s a new mount you get for turning in a bunch of quests.

Can I borrow your cat to catch my mice

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What a handsome gentleman!

And you can brush it and weave sweaters!

Damn he looks more like a Norwegian forest cat with that size!

Unbelievable how BIG they actually are! What a beauty!

That cat is a dog.

A living weighted blankie. What a good beeb

That is one giant pussy.

I’ve read that they behave similarly to dogs–outgoing and excitable. Was he like that?

This happens every time my cat goes to the vet, lol

Edit: crazy ass typos

That’s Gandolfo

Are we sure this is cat? Qt!!!!

is this real or fake? (sorry its hard to trust anything you see on reddit these days)


Big Boy!

Wow he’s huge… and adorable

Looks like belongs in some sort of big cat habitat. Lol

Oh my goodness

woah that is a BIG boy!

That’s a large cat. He’s very large.

Don’t you get worried about being eaten?

He is beautiful, can you tell us his name?

Are you 3 feet tall?


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