This growth surviving sub-zero temperatures because of an exhaust fan

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I see an abandoned research facility on an island surrounded by endless, cold dark water

what is the scale of this image. Cant tell if mm or km

That is a roof drain, not a fan.

Somebody dropped their pudding cup 🙁

I genuinely thought this was an aerial shot of some mountain peak surrounded by trees in the middle of a barren wasteland.

Then read the title and wondered what sort of super-villain-esque lair was set up in the middle of nowhere like that? And producing so much steam exhaust to warm an entire forest?? Maybe a cold-war era Siberian nuclear power plant or something?

…Then realized that the actual scale is a lot smaller than I initially thought. Still mildly interesting, though.



This is basically a microscale example of how we survived the ice-age.

Gives me Frostpunk 2 vibes

That’s a drain not an exhaust

I need a banana for scale

Zoom out of my town in frostpunk

Need banana

OP was this many years old when they learned the difference between a drain and a vent.

I thought this was a small island

That’s moss and a drain, and (sadly) it survives far worse than just sub-zero temperatures.
The reason for the local growth is likely because of the way the drain head is formed, on the bottom it allows for small buildup of waste(nutrients) from going down the drain, and then you have a never ending cycle of buildup. It’s probably not been cleaned for atleast ~5 years.

Source: I’m a caretaker, I clean roofs and drains yearly before winter.

Fun fact, the first terrestrial plants were mosses like these, and they helped shape our once inhospitable planet.

They are also non vascular like ferns, and they can go dormant for months before reemerging from frozen ice.

These stay nice and warm, so they don’t need to go dormant.

r/miniworlds would be perfect for this

is this growing on the surface of someone’s skin?

Probably something to do with moisture

I thought that was a flan

Looks like a scene from Dune


That’s a roof drain.

Frostpunk could have been inspired by this

So basically Frost Punk.

This is actually how its thought life first started. Around underwater vents.

It’s like those deep ocean thermal vents that support life

I thought this was some aerial shot before reading the title

Unless the plumber really screwed something up, that’s a roof drain, not an exhaust vent. 

But still, assuming it passes through a warmed space before outflowing to the ground (or to the sewer which is pretty warm itself) then it will naturally give off some warmth. 

That being said, I would imagine the growth survives here, and not elsewhere on the roof, more because of the moisture available than the heat. 


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