This guy gets more and more impressive every day

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If they arrest him it will be a media circus and he will be the most beloved criminal since the Great depression. He is already a folk hero and we don’t even know his name.

I hope he also put the get out of jail free card in there too. This man is legend.

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The Banksy of assassin’s.

He seems to have really been prepared

I hope they break into his phone and get rick rolled..

the olygarchs thought they successfully made it so only the normals were affected by gun violence. so now they are screaming for more protection from the vigilante.

vigilantism is shunned in societies where justice is shown to apply to everyone equally

but we are not in a country where justice is applied equally to everyone.

This is some *Count of Monte Cristo*-type planning and execution!

When this story is over, the reality of the Trump administration will set in and we’re all screwed.

But something is certainly beginning to give, and this is going to become a trend in the future,

Honestly yes we are. That’s why he did it so publicly. And I thank him for his service.

Also NYPD, I’m fairly certain he’s doubled back and is staying at Police Plaza. He’s over there at the coffee machine watching you chucklefucks ignore rape victims to spend billions serving the richest cunts on earth who deserve no such protection.

I know it’s unlikely, but i genuinely hope they never find him. I hope he gets away with it scot free and becomes this generation’s D.B. Cooper.

What I find even more funny is him planning all this,

“Yes, I’ll write these on the shell casings. Then…oh monopoly money! Haha yes!”

He’s the son I always wished had…..

This guy passed Go.

I think it’s more likely that they found a backpack that some 12-year-old lost in the park.

I’m low key fascinated by the Monopoly money. That wasn’t on my bingo card

I have a feeling this guy either has a terminal illness that insurance contributed to his condition or he lost someone more important than spending his life in prison. I don’t think he wants to get caught, but I also don’t think he is sweating out how to hide the next 10-20 years.


Action movie trailer voice: “In a world controlled by corporations…there is only one who stands up. By denying executives their ability to steal from millions, one man, on the run, defends the public from the corporacrats…by deposing them of life. He is…The Adjuster!”

Deny. Defend. Depose. ✊

We are worthy of witnessing it again and again and again .

I will get asmr tingles if this becomes a calling card in replicate .

This is the kind of art we can get behind

It would be crazy if he was a master of disguise, went to Central Park, changed his appearance, went back to the Hilton Hotel, and checked in as a guest to watch all of this unfold on the TV in his hotel room while ordering room service.

I bet someone else couldn’t Doge his bullet.

I wonder who is actually behind this ? Did he act alone or is it part of an organized plot

A paper disclosed that the dude had been identified.

If anyone can locate his gofundme, tag me.

Genuinely hoping he doesn’t get caught at this point.

More like B.A. Cooper

Been saying for days now, this guy was a pro. He’s most likely out of the country by now. Engraved bullet casings, clearly studied his target’s route and habits, 3 bullets all placed lethally, no collateral damage, stayed in a hostel. Betting that someone with nothing left to lose due to United’s denials hired him. I’d be shocked if he were caught.

Did I miss something? Was he captured or they found his bag?

I think he is a she. Think about it.

Wait, they found his backpack?

Fucking WILD that this is the time we’ve decided to believe anything from the police.

I’m sure he’ll be caught and “hung himself”

I’m just going to go there and call him The Equalizer at this point. And I love Denzel.

It’s not about the money, it’s about sending a message

Feel bad for the guy who threw away his water bottle.

I wonder if it is banksy, just a muse

We, as the “lower class”, should start building guillotines across the country.

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I saw someone post that it could all be a decoy to the real motive but it still puts a spotlight on the issue

Why did he have Monopoly money? Can I ask the significance? I’m old. Be nice

This is what happens when POLITICIANS dont’ do their jobs. Protecting the people who elected them. Instead this country is just a series of elections and raising funds for the next election, and collecting money from an army of corporate lobbyists, the healthcare insurance industry among them.

Guys, it was a Banksy!

There’s a Springsteen song called Johnny 99 – a guy is in court for shooting someone…

“Judge, Judge, I had debts no honest man can pay
They were holding my mortgage, they were going to take my house away…
Now I ain’t saying this makes me an innocent man
But it was more than all this Judge, that put that gun in my hand.”

Its Tom Cruise

I’m confused, only because this article says the police didn’t open the backpack before sending it to a lab. I don’t think we’ll know which information is correct until the trial, if there is one.

Suspect identified in UnitedHealth executive’s murder, New York Post reports –

I’m rooting for this guy, however, and I’m not even American. I also suspect he was very clever about the clues he left behind. 🤞🏻

make no mistake, he will not be found

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