This guy just got pardoned.

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In this day and age, I am baffled that someone would walk around wearing a shirt like that.

nonono, that’s a Roman hoodie

We can never underestimate the stupidity of the general public.

this guy looks like a perfectly dangerous person.

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Thats what you get for voting in Herr Flick and von Smallhausen

If some people attempt a coup to get a leader forcibly instated, get sentenced for treason, and then that same leader pardons the act, then you are not living in a free democracy and the leader no longer has legitimacy.

It’s day 2 and I’m exhausted.


The new era of stupidty

At this point America has more nazis than Germany

Lets put him to work for his freedom.


“There are fine people on both sides”

Combine this with Elon throwing the nazi salute

Utter garbage

“Guy” is a funny word for “pile of shit”.

Seems like the maya weren‘t that far off with their end-time prediction

Someone wake me up when we reach the other side of peak stupidity.

Is this real news? With a quick google search I found that this photo is from 2021.

And that he was arrested in 2021 then a year later sentenced to 75 days in jail. Maybe it’s not technically fake news if he was pardoned, but it seems he already served his time a while ago and the photo may be misleading as it makes it seem like he was just let out while wearing the shirt or something and is making a call.

Obviously he’s a POS either way. But if someone could give me more context what’s happening here it would be much appreciated

Edit: thanks for commenters. I think the important context here is that it removes his felony status. This may have been obvious, but I was too focused on if he was just released or not. Thanks again!

And these people claim to… let me check… NOT be nazi’s? Is that right?

alrighty then…. moving on

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Not surprised.

Yeah as an EU guy, that’s usually pretty optimistic, I’m done with America.

Gonna actively start buying non-US stuff where possible.

Nazi pardoned another Nazi. Thats America these days.

I have spent years studying the Holocaust, especially videos and recordings of the camps, mass killings, etc. I am literally in tears right now because I can’t even fathom how cruel someone must be to broadcast their support like this. And our country supports it? My god.

Who’s that dirty hillbilly?

That tracks. I gotta say, 2025 has been nothing but consistent so far. See you guys tomorrow for the breaking news of the day in crazy ville

Don’t worry, he’ll probably do something deranged, get arrested again, and Trump won’t even remember his name.

Of course he did, didn’t you know? We can apparently just Sieg Heil on international television now! Gone are the days Nazi’s feared a brick to the face for being open about their crap


It would truly be a shame if he were welcomed back with an unexpected collision of a fist to his cranium.

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