This hand tattoo

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Itโ€™s only awful taste if youโ€™re a white supremacist. Otherwise itโ€™s bad ass

Is it Opposite Day? This is fantastic

Terrible taste aesthetically, great taste ideologically, great execution

I think all hood wearers like this should stay swinging. But, this is an incredibly stupid fucking idea.

This is great taste tbh

We need an awful taste but great opinions for this kind of stuff, right?

I feel about this as I do about the swastika tattoos with a no sign on them. Yeah, I get where you’re coming from, but you now have a swastika tattoo. That’s tough.

Yeah, I get you’re anti-KKK, that’s great, but you have a klansman on your hand now. That’s kind of…a lot lol, every time you hold someone’s hand they’re squeezing on the klan, every time you type on a keyboard you’re making him dance

I wouldn’t get either of em, bc then every time I see it I have to think about Nazis or the KKK, and that’s just not the kinda energy I need. More power too you tho

Really changes the meaning of “Execution” but still fits the sub name

Dead or not you still have a fucking clansmen on your hand. People in here are trolling saying this isn’t awful.

Holy shit

DEFINITELY a great ‘execution’ ๐Ÿ˜‰

I love it. GTAGE

agree with the message but imagine trying to get a job with that tattoo

They must have a trust fund or something because that is a **bold** move for anyone who may need to interview for a job someday

That’s certainly a statement.

I agree with the sentiment and itโ€™s not terrible
Work. I just donโ€™t think Iโ€™d get that. Tattoos are just unique like that. Fuck the Klan

That’s pretty creative

Awful taste: middle finger/hand tattoo
Great execution: at least one klansman, placement/action, guaranteed original

This is cool as hell but now she got a dead klansman on her hand for the rest of her life for her and everyone to notice any time she does anything with her hands. Like donโ€™t get me wrong, great message but not imagery Iโ€™d want to see all the time forever.

GTLE (Good Taste Literal Execution)

That’s a fucking awesome tattoo

Lol thats pretty awesome

This is kinda fire

Nah it is great taste I just wouldnt wanna stare at it forever

Definitely donโ€™t want to have the klan in the world let alone on my body.

Needs the *hang in there*

This fucking rules

“Why cant I find a job?”

This is absolute fire

That is definitely awesome taste, great execution.

Dig it

One one hand i want this. On the other hand i also want this.

But i wonโ€™t cause it going to limit employment opportunities

awful taste??


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