This hard-working American protected visitors at parks. Now unemployed because of Trump

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Now people can freely exercise their right as an American to tumble down cliffs and get mauled by bears.

The National Parks system is one of the most amazing resources this country has, and the Republicans are always trying to gut it. Of course, the logical conclusion is when a park becomes burdensome to operate, the only sensible thing to do is sell it off to some private interest that manage it properly. This is YOURS! They are fucking you and stealing your property right from under your nose.

Go out and see your National Parks. A yearly pass is only $80!!!

So sorry, it’s gonna be a rough ride. Best of luck to you.

How does MAGA and America First rhetoric echo chambers reconcile with thousands of Americans losing their jobs?

They’re going to gut the NPS so they can privatize it when they say it runs like crap. Same thing they’re doing with the educational system.

Won’t need ‘em any more once the timber and oil companies move in! They probably won’t even sell the land, just the rights to cut down trees, mine, and drill. Then the taxpayers get to keep the gaping strip mine pit.

Maybe that’s the new American National Park: a cautionary tale warning about greed to what’s left of us in 100 years.

Nature deserves better

coming soon to your favorite national forest: big development and mineral extraction

You can’t run a government like a business. Business owners haven’t figured that out yet or don’t really care for our opinion in the matter, so let them have their way and when there’s no one buying their products or using their services and their stock price drops to $0 they will blame it on us but we won’t care, cause we’ll either moved on to somewhere better, won the lottery and are now too rich to care, or are dead and long gone. Options 1 and 2 sound very nice. I wouldn’t want #3 on my worst enemy. #3 is not a fun one.

This just sucks, where I am from Park Rangers are amazing people and should be a protected job. These dumb fucks think all they gotta do is rake a forest

Why can’t the richest person in the world throw money at protecting nature, the environment, and the people whose job it is to enforce these protections? Make it make sense…

The worst part is checking the CBS poll from a few days ago Trump is popular and most of his individual polices are popular too. America is getting what it wants….which is apparently for this (strikingly photogenic) person to be out of work. 🙁

If you stay silent when this happens to your friends, don’t expect help when you are next.

So Americans will pay higher taxes, lose the things we gained for that taxation and all the spoils will be handed to the elite billionaire class. Way to go Repubs. Your cuck fantasies have destroyed us.

I wonder what the end game is.

Gut national park service. Sell federal land to Oligarchs. Oligarchs try to create network cities. Oligarchs rehire park service to maintain land for network cities?

I guess it privatizes it? Ugh I hate this timeline.

Half of America betrayed people like her.

The worst thing about it is that the number of people believing that federal workers don’t work, they are incompetent or freeloaders.

Never met a forest ranger that wasn’t awesome to talk to. Sorry you gotta go through this. Hope you bounce back quickly!

come to europe. We also have nice nature and we are more human being than america… and if trump doesn’t being president anymore you could travel back to america or stay in europe… feel free 🙂

Most voted for this. Blows my mind

They don’t want the parks. They want to move most federal land back to the states so they can sell it off to their rich friends.

The oligarchy is here

If it’s any consolation, she’ll be in good company, this round of illegal firings was just the first step. Hope everyone enjoys their public land while they’re still public.


Where’s the context here, where’s a citation or article or anything of value to give me insight besides a picture with a few words?

Very unfortunate as several camping/hiking/backpacking spots get trashed and eventually closed down. Nobody to help monitor or enforce the rules.
Now it’s going to get even worse.

This country is absolutely sick

If she voted for him, too bad, so sad. 😂

If not, I feel bad for her and, oh, and fuck trump.

Trump, is one of the biggest cancer the world has ever known.

And this hard working American’s salary will not go toward paying down our debt which will be expanded unsustainably by billionaire tax cuts. This will just make our parks less safe and a dedicated American’s life more challenging. Shame on the Russia RepubliQan party.

Teddy Roosevelt spinning in his grave

She’s unemployed due to the actions or inaction of all Americans.

Dear America, Trump is your problem born by your political system. Get your shit together and quit pretending this is some one man problem.

DOGE is not about efficiency, its about cutting costs by firing workers and cancelling contracts and stopping payments that Musk or Trump think are stupid because they dont understand what they are looking at. Then declaring they saved billions.

Department of Cancelling Services By Unelected Billionaires

You guys don’t understand what they’re doing!

The country will still need all these people who are getting fired. Well, many of them anyways. Right now, taxes on billionaires are paying for most of it.

After the Republicans are finished, *corporations* will be hired to provide all these services – and YOU will pay for it all yourselves. Only, you will pay more, because all these private businesses will need to make a profit for their billionaire owners.

BEFORE: the billionaires were paying for all these services for you

AFTER: you will be paying for all these services yourself – but the prices will be higher – and the billionaires will make money instead of losing money

Plus, as an added benefit: The people they are firing and laying-off will be more-likely to be Democrats – and the people they hire will be MAGA Republicans – so the government will get considerably more right-wing in the process.

And you idiots voted for all of it!

How do conservatives even defend this? Like what way are they squinting their eyes to make this look good?

Now there’s no one to protect the parks from the people. That’s the real problem.

Why is everything declining in this decade? Even basic decency is also declining

The sheep voted for this!

Brought to you by the insurrectionist bear spray lobbyists to increase sales… kinda like the NRA…

Well…that Happens when musk and Trump are in Power.

And Trump’s only reason is to fund his tax cuts for the 1%


Poaching and illegal timber cutting. It’s the Republican/Libertarian way.

Sorry for this

We need more Luigi’s right about now

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