This has to end

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Imagine believing spending that amount on a wedding is fine.

Is that woman ok?

600 million dollars, money that could have gone to charities and improved the lives of many people, was wasted on a goddamn wedding with a woman that has Donald Duck lips.

The U.S has no democracy, just an oligarchy.

This isn’t impressive, it’s disgusting. It’s a slap in the face of all Amazon workers, of all working people, of all people struggling. It truly makes me sick.

This guy could single handedly end homelessness in America with that kind of wealth, but instead he chooses to spend it on shit like this.

At this point, I’m not sure this is even a person anymore.

Her face is hideous. It’s not appearance shaming when she did that to herself

So don’t buy off Amazon, or subscribe to Prime.

Why is he marrying an inflatable clown?

There’s no way he’s spending $600 million on a wedding. I’m sure he’s spending a lot but it’s not $600 million

Cancelled Prime yesterday. Wife and I agreed. Going to be more mindful of where and how we purchase next year.


You’d think with that money you’d hire a decent plastic surgeon instead of Dr Nick

And this wedding will last maybe as long as the last one if she can get kids from him!

How much $ is he going to spend to fix her face?

He’s a piece of shit and she’s a piece of plastic. And she still looks gross.

Question is, why is he marrying that woman? . Might as well buy a sex doll on Prime.

From this clown spending $600 million on his wedding to the single mom working two jobs to barely afford life for herself and her kid, this is only the beginning of the great American income divide. These billionaires will get richer over the next four years and the lowest income Americans will get even poorer. I’m sick of the little guy getting crushed all the time.

Blood money

There are prettier sex dolls to buy. Probably cheaper too.

They both look so fake, Mackenzie wins here

That’s just fucking revolting.

Not only are they weird (many Dems are too) they are gross and so, so, so misunderstanding what life is for. This Bezos wedding isn’t a wedding. Both people are tragically shallow and wildly self centered. They believe that they’re just sorta normal people who have really been good at creating massive wealth while giving quite literally as little as possible to their employees and communities that they use like crops to harvest more assets.

They are the looters. Their choices create and nurture violence in all its forms. Then, they blame the workers.

Here’s to more Luigi’s please!

They are both such hideous people inside and out

What happened to her mouth?

Billionaires spending money is good.

Billionaires gathering that much money to spend is bad.

while the rest of us have to put back groceries at the checkout.

600 million? Why though? What does that prove? We know you’re rich. We know.

We also know that employees want to unionize and he’s got a problem with that. It won’t cost him a gd thing.

Fuck Bezos, fk prime. Just wasteful.

Why are people upset? That money they spent goes straight into the economy rather than being tied up in some investment fund.

This is what people should be cheering for. I wish the motherucker spent 10 billion on it. I wish they would renew their vows every year and spend the same amount every time they did it.

How is this a bad thing? Rich people spending the money doesn’t mean the money disappears, it means it goes to other people who usually have way less.

Don’t take this the wrong way but isn’t it better that he’s spending it rather than saving it or using it to gain more wealth? At least the workers of the wedding and such will receive a portion.

That number is insane though. Even if there were 600 people how tf can you spend $1M/person. Are they eating extinct dinosaurs wrapped in Bentley’s? Like wtf?

He actually said it was false. He might be a garbage but not because of this

Fuck their weird lookin asses

Lauren Sanchez looks like a heavily used blow-up sex doll. Guess Bezos likes that kind of thing.

She looks like if barbie started making sex dolls

He’s marrying a silicone sex doll? Does it at least simulate a heart beat?

All that money and he still had to marry his blow up love doll

send Bezos to New York, eat the rich

we are all slaves to the BILLIONAIRES, disgusting

All that money and THAT’S what you marry??

And they are surprised why people want CEOs dead. People can’t afford basic needs and this douche is living his best life with his blow up doll

Jeff should return his prime purchase

Let’s start by stop talking about him. Like all billionaires he is a self righteous prick who has nothing but apathy to the population

When we start not talking about him, he won’t be releasing press releases talking of the expense he has gone to whilst his worker are made to account for every second. Instead let’s talk about his ex wife who is doing so much good with the money from splitting from this vile guy

I Iove hearing when billionaires spend insane amount of money. It means this money is no longer in their hands and went to other people. That being said, 600mil is not enough to marry that ugly botched face. And I’m not even talking about Bezos.

She looks like she’s spent 600 million dollars on plastic surgery.

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